Author's Note

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And with this we have reached the end of Flowers In Your Hair.

I can't believe that we've made it this far and that I had been able to finish this book.
This was my first book and the amount of support I got for this is quite remarkable.

I want to thank all the readers, voters and commenters because they boosted my spirit and kept me wanting to update and not give up on his book even during my writer's block.

I love all of you.

Now, onto the important news for all those who are curious.

I'm sorry, but there will be no sequel.
Yes, you read that right. There's no sequel.

But that does not mean that this is where our journey ends. There are still more books for me to write and I'll definitely make another Percabeth once I have completed my other works.

But for now, this is a farewell.

Be sure to check out my other books —

• Anastrofí (Percy Jackson AU)

Each and every city, town or country was levelled, destroyed. Millions reported dead. World economy, peace, harmony, humanity, all over.
And all of this was because of Project Inversion by the once powerful government of the US. A project which was now closed and all its test subjects dead.

But after the destruction of the world and forms of government, Queen Gaia, who became the world's downfall, wants to restart this project.
Because she wants total and complete power and the main factor that helps you to be in total control- fear. People were afraid of the test subjects even before they were released. Gaia would do anything for power.

Jason Grace wasn't in agreement with the queen. All he wanted was freedom, for himself, his family, his friends, his countrymen and the world.
Hard turmoil leads him to become the leader of one of the main and most dangerous resistance groups called 'Half-Bloods'.
Dangerous because it was a resistance full of natural-born mutants.

One odd day, the members of this resistance have a run-in with a strange guy, who washed up on the shore of the beach which was falling under the area of their headquarters.
This guy is the most blood-thirsty person Jason has ever met. And all the stranger wants to have Gaia's blood on his hands before his thirst is quenched.

The guy's name?
Percy Jackson.

• LOUVRE (A Jercy Fanfiction)

Jason Grace is a struggling artist. But he gets a chance to prove himself to his parents and the world. He has finally got enough money to have his own art gallery show. The only problem is that he short of a whole section to get his own art show and he is on a time limit.

He had chosen that the theme of his show would be Human Imagery. But he is out of anymore ideas.

One night, Jason has an epiphany. From a dream.

After a couple of encounters, he sees that a strange boy was sleeping on his couch. A boy Jason had never seen before. But he had a feeling that they had met somewhere.

He falls in love with this boy.

I hope that you all would keep supporting me and keep reading my stories. I hope that you like these two books as well.

Thank you all. Until next time. Take care and stay safe.

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