Beach House Party Tears (Part 3)

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Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan

Narrator's P.O.V

After raiding the stock of wine bottles and beers from the host's bar, Percy and Annabeth went to the beach. They had to settle for wine and beer because each and every bottle of vodka was laying empty on the floor of the living room and kitchen.
She was secretly glad that she wouldn't have to drink vodka because every time she drank it, she got into fights that the other person regretted getting into.
She had reason to believe that was her weird perk with vodka; just like when she had wine she always tended to speak the truth.

The two were out of their senses. Annabeth slurring her words, her mind a cage of mumbo-jumbo that consisted of all her negative thoughts and Percy with blank thoughts and hallucinations of his past that seemed like parts of dreams to him. Yet both of them were having fun.

Stumbling, mumbling, giggling, cursing, they somehow found their way to the beach and seated themselves on the cold sand with cold sea water lapping up at their feet. A large wave hit and soon their pants were soaked in sea water. But they didn't care, because they couldn't feel anything other than light-headedness and the feeling of being completely bizzare.

"I feel so dumb! It's awesome," said the blonde of the two.
"Really? I just feel like I have everything that ever existed in mankind," said the dark haired boy.
"So, basically you feel like shit."
"Yeah, I feel like shit."
"But it's awesome."
"But it's awesome."
And they both snort-laughed which caused them to laugh harder. Annabeth lay down on the wet sand her hair now messy and gross, but she didn't care. Percy just leaned back and watched.

"Percy, to be honest, I can't feel anything," she said.
"You can't?" He frowned.
"I feel numb. I want to feel something."
"You can't feel the cold or the warmth?"
"That's weird, I feel everything."
"Lucky you," she said.
"Lucky you," he replied.

The night continued in the ocean of silver of the moon. They had a lot of time and Percy had lots of questions to which Annabeth could provide answers to.
He didn't know this but he was divided into two parts: his present self and his past self. His past self was taking over now, craving answers.

"Why did you kiss Jason?" He asked. She looked at him her face an expression of disgust and confusion.
"When and why would I ever kiss that dude?" She asked.
"Back in high school, remember?" He said bitterly.
That's when her expression turned dark and serious. She didn't want to remember that night. Her biggest mistake and her biggest secret.

"I never kissed Jason, even in high school," she replied to his previous question.
"Then what was it that I saw that night?"
"You saw Jason saving me."
"How was he saving you holding you naked in his arms?!"
"I guess you didn't notice Octavian and Ethan passed out behind him..."
"What did they do to you?" He asked fearing the answer.
"What do you think two guys would with a high and naked girl? But I still blame myself for it. I shouldn't have gone with them."
Percy's mind went blank but Annabeth wasn't over yet.

"After you left prom, Octavian found me all sulking and everything. so he offered me a glass of punch to drink and said that I shouldn't be so down especially at prom. I took his advice and drank that thing. Should've known it had drugs in it. I don't remember anything after that but me laying in a hospital bed in unbearable pain made it obvious enough."

She continued,"What you saw was Jason rescuing me, not the other way around but you didn't let any of us explain. But I guess I deserved that after my bitchy move. Everybody involved kept it at the down low. Of course, Octavian and Ethan went to prison but nobody knew why except the principal, me, them and our friends.

Later on in college, I developed a drinking problem. It wasn't obvious in school but it became more visible in college. I used to waste myself all night and didn't attend classes. Piper noticed it and she got me to go to therapy. And now... here I am!" she spread her arms wide and smiled, all her teeth showing. "Healthy, successful and happy!" But her tears said otherwise.

"I missed you all those times Percy. But we couldn't get past our simple misunderstanding and it ruined everything. Both you and me were effected in the crossfire. And I was the one who started this." More tears flowed out of her eyes.

"It was my fault too. I should've trusted you more. I should have trusted you with my secrets too..." Percy said getting sadder by the minute.

Suddenly Annabeth stood up and furiously wiped her tears away. "Percy, you were our best swimmer, right?"

"Yeah?" he said, more like questioned. A wicked smile grew on her face.

"Then try to catch me."

With that she ran towards the water. Percy followed her suit laughing like crazy when she screamed 'cold, cold, cold'. But he was amazed that she could still carry on wading through the water. They kept going until only their heads were above water. Hollering could be heard on the shore but these two didn't care. Their eyes stared at each other.

"Will we get washed away?" Annabeth asked.

"Probably, Wise girl," Percy replied and a smile grew on both of their faces when the nickname was mentioned.

"And you're ready for it?" she asked.

"Anything with you by my side," he replied. They both knew they won't remember this in the morning but this was their moment.

"Get out of the water! You guys will drown! Somebody help!" some people called out to them from the shore but the duo just submerged their heads under water. Not realising that the tide had risen.


Annabeth woke up with a terrible headache and found herself in the backseat of her car. She sat up and saw Percy sitting on the passengers seat of the car. He noticed her awake, smiled at her, handed her a cup of hot coffee from who-knew-where (maybe he was holding it in his hand?) and asked, "Do you remember anything of last night?"

"I have no idea," she said and graciously accepted the warm cup.

"Well," he said his troublemaker grin forming, "I know it was crazy alright. I am pretty sure I swam both of us to the shore from the ocean because both of our clothes are still wet."

Annabeth hummed and asked, "Do you think our vandalism still made it to news?"

Percy sighed and said, "I sure hope so."

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