We'll Be Alright

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fine line by HARRY STYLES

Annabeth'S P.O.V

It had been two days since anyone had heard from Percy Jackson.

Jason was choosing to avoid the law to save his prodigal friend. Luke and Ethan (who initially had no idea what was going on) had been filled in on the situation and were equally stressing out.
Annabeth had apologized to her two best friends Hazel and Piper and they had promised to start spending more time together.

Everything had been going okay. However, the static on Percy's end had thrown everybody off.

He had not been responding calls or messages. He was neither at his apartment nor was he at his mother's house.

Annabeth would soon be leaving for Ohio. Her work life was calling to her. It was her responsibility.

She sat in her office, her computer up and running, connected to the office WiFi. She had just been checking her emails, when she noticed one that lifted her heart.


Subject: stuff

Hey, I know you are worried. I'm sorry for that. It won't happen again.

Meet me at Mildbrooke Club tonight at seven. Bring everyone (if possible).

Signed: Seaweed Brain.

After reading that, Annabeth had a sense of relief and worry wash over her at the same time.

What was the true meaning of this email?

Was this meeting the last they would ever see of him? Or was this him trying to say that he would stay?

At this point, Annabeth was tired of letting her brain work overtime and question everything. She decided to go with it and texted all of her friends. That meant texting the Grace siblings, Leo (he was allowed to bring his girlfriend, Calypso), Frank, Hazel, Piper, Reyna and Rachel. Since he had also made new friends she decided to text Hazel's brother, Nico and told him to bring his boyfriend as well (because she remembered the conversation between them that day at Hazel's flower shop) and Luke and Ethan said that they had already gotten the message.

She was sure they would not be able to ignore her message as she was doing so on Percy's request.


She was dressed in a loose, white, crop top and beige joggers with white Adidas. She had with her a grayish-blue denim jacket that was one of her all time favorites. Her hair was left loose and her curls framed her face nicely. She had on light make-up to look presentable.

All of her friends were seated close together and were waiting impatiently for Percy. Luke and Nico, however, seemed to be missing from the group.
A show was about to start. The performers would soon be on the stage; and there was no sight of them.

"They'll get here. Don't worry," Ethan comforted her as she leaned over the table to scan through the crowd.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that... They should've been here by now!" she whispered to Ethan in an urgent tone.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and the sound of a strumming ukelele sounded from the speakers and resonated throughout the room.
The spotlight was focused on a lone figure at the centre of the stage, strumming the instrument. Eyes closed in concentration, or perhaps it was an attempt to conjour deep emotions to sing about.

The figure's face was finally illuminated as his voice started to sing —

"Put a price on emotion. I'm looking for something to buy."

The singer was none other than Perseus Jackson and his voice had everyone enraptured.

"You've got my devotion. But man, I can hate you sometimes."

Annabeth stared on in absolute awe. The people sure were busy among themselves before, but now they were paying full attention to the man on the stage.

"I don't want to fight you and I don't want to sleep in the dirt."

His eyes were still closed but his voice never wavered. The atmosphere seemed to be charged thick with emotions. And it sure got to her.

"We'll get the drinks in. So I'll get to thinking of her."

No matter how hard Annabeth tried, she was hanging onto each and every word that he sang. As the music slowly built up, she couldn't help but feel that this was his answer.

"We'll be a fine line,
We'll be a fine line,
We'll be a fine line,
We'll be a fine line,
We'll be a fine line,
We'll be a fine line."

His words had a meaning that promised hope to her. To the others, sitting in this room, supporting him. To them. This was what he was working on. A way to answer them all and to give them hope.

As the music built up, the rest of the musicians' faces came into light and she finally spotted Luke on the drums and Hazel's brother Nico playing the electric guitar. The rest were not familiar to her but she enjoyed the music nonetheless.

It brought tears to her eyes. It was an assurance. A promise. They'll all be alright.

When Percy's song came to an end there was a standing ovation for him and everyone else who played.

Soon after the ovation ended, he picked up the acoustic guitar which was placed on a stand a bit behind him.

A slight tune started to play and then the beat immediately picked up and he sang his next song called Golden.

Everyone admired his singing and composition. The entire evening was filled with high energy and good vibes.

He ended his performance with a song called Woman.

Everyone loved the way he performed. The way he owned the stage. Everything about him screamed talent. And it was needed to be recognized by the masses.

When Percy finally came to their tables, the first thing he did was to walk towards Annabeth's seat and kiss her lips in front of their friends.

There were cheers sounding across the group as she smiled into the kiss.

Percy pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"That was my last time leaving you, Wise girl," he said. "I think it's safe to say the after all the hurt, we may actually be able to move on now."

"You're absolutely right," she replied.

Percy straightened himself and then faced Jason. He smiled at him and then rushed forward to hug him.

"I'm so sorry, man. I'm sorry I never listened," he said. "I want to be better now. A better friend, a better bro, if you give me the chance."

Jason put his hands on Percy's shoulders and replied, "Percy. Right now, every one of us is standing here because we love and support you. No matter what you did, or what choices you will make later, we will still be here. We are here at this moment because we forgive you and want you to forgive yourself. So that second chance is in your hands right now, Percy. You have to love yourself. And don't let this woman get away from you again."
He pointed with his head towards Annabeth. "She may not come back again," he said teasingly, with a smile.

"I don't know what I'd do without you all," Percy said, looking at all of them.

"Probably die," Luke said but he hugged the raven-haired man anyways.

"I have one last news, guys," Percy said making everyone focus on him again.

"I'm going to sign a recording label and they want a demo in a few weeks."

Everyone erupted into cheers and he got thumps on his back in congratulations.

"Drinks on me, guys!" Leo yelled.

Yeah, they'd definitely be alright.

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