What Goes Around, Comes Around

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about time by EDEN

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Miss Chase, a Mr. Augustus, who says he made an appointment with you two days ago, is here to see you. Should I let him in? He is in the waiting in our waiting room," Janice, her assistant's voice said from the other end of the office phone.

"Alright, could you please convey to him that he would have to wait for ten more minutes? I need to wind up the meeting with Mr. Poseidon. Please take care of him till then," I replied to her glancing at the mentioned man's project laid wide at my table. The disappointment of a project.

"Yes, ma'am. Surely."

"Please, do not call me that again. I don't want formalities between you and me, alright?"

"Yes, sure."

"Thanks, Janice."

Annabeth hung up her phone and turned her attention back to the business man, Poseidon Olympian. She sighed as she stared at the plans laid in front of her. She couldn't believe that this was made by Athena Minevra herself. There were a lot to flaws on this and she was glad that this man had come to her for reference and improvement.

"I cannot believe that the architect that I used to idolize, designed this," Annabeth sighed as she said this.

"I cannot believe it either. She has designed so many buildings throughout her career but she is starting to lose her originality. That is why, I have come to you," Poseidon said.

Annabeth nodded slightly as she studied the design once more.

"Mr. Olympian, I shall make improvements and present them to you by the end of the month but you need to specify your own style and taste to me. Otherwise, this will become another disaster," she said as she looked up from her table to meet the man's sea green eyes (which reminded her of Percy's eyes, except his were slightly more on the greener side) for the second time that day.

"I will have to think on the topic. Can I send you the details of this via one of my men by tomorrow?" he asked his eyebrows furrowing just like Percy's. Annabeth found that Mr. Poseidon and Percy looked really alike. She had found Percy's doppelganger.

"That would be no problem, Sir."

"Alright. Thank you, Miss Chase. I really appreciate you giving me your time."

They stood up together at the same time, Poseidon stretched out his hand towards her and Annabeth took it with a smile. After a firm handshake, Poseidon gave a warm smile in return and then left.

Just as she sat down, Annabeth's phone rang. She fished her phone out of her pocket and saw that it was Percy. Talk of the devil.

"Hey, Percy. What's up? Anything important? I'm kinda busy here," she said as she busied herself by clearing the stray papers from her desk, smiling all the while.

"Just reminding you that we would meet up at your apartment for the double-date, my sweet," he said from the other line and Annabeth's face lit up red.

"Percy, don't call me that!" she exclaimed incredulously but the smile on her face contradicted her tone.

"But Annie, that is a cute way to address you!" he exclaimed back, a laugh bubbling from his throat.

Annabeth giggled and she could hear Percy chuckle in the background. "Anything else you want to say?" her laughs dying down just a bit.

"I'll tell you more when you get back. Till then, adios and have a good day!"

"Same to you, Kelp Head."

"Take care, Owl Brains."

Annabeth chuckled and replied with -- "See you soon, Perce." Then he waited for him to hang up.

There was a knock on the door of her office, when Annabeth started clearing her table setting up for the next meeting. She had just taken out her notepad to take down details for the next client when she said, "Get in," to whoever was outside.

Annabeth heard the door open and when she looked up, her heart stopped.

Standing there, clad in a white suit, was none other than the man who ruined her life.

"Miss Chase, glad you could make time to see me," said Octavian.

"Octavian," was all that Annabeth uttered.

"That's me. Now would it be possible if we could put aside our personal differences and get to business," he said and moved forward to sit on one of the two seats. Annabeth flinched and got up from her chair. She walked towards the door all the while saying-- "We can talk, yes. But I would rather prefer if the door was very much open. Thank you."

Octavian stared at her with what seemed to be sadness and anger, however it didn't seem directed at her.

"Miss Chase, thank you for allowing me to meet with you."

"I didn't think that Mr. Augustus would turn out to be you," she muttered lowly. "What do you want?"

The man in question sighed and said, "I want you to be the architect of my house. My fiance demands it and who am I to deny her?"

Annabeth stared at him in shock. "When did you get out?"

"A year ago. Six months later, I find this beautiful woman I want to spend my life with," he said sounding as if he had the stars and moons in his hands. "And I know that time can run out better than anyone. So, I proposed."

She couldn't believe that after causing her so much harm, he still got to find his happiness while she struggled with the same. He should have been the one suffering, the one blaming himself, not her. She was the victim here. Not him.

"I can see it, you know," he said.

"What?" she asked, sounding dangerously calm.

"Your eyes shining with anger. The same anger I always imagined you having at nights in my cell."

"If you were so sure about my anger, why did you come?"

"Two reasons. One, I've already told you and the second, is a chance at apologising and gaining your forgiveness."

Annabeth was left speechless again. This man, whom she kept on resenting for most of her life, was asking her for forgiveness.

"You think an apology would make me hate you less?"

There was an undeniable sadness that had set itself upon the features o this man's face. A sadness that came unfiltered from the heart. A sadness which made Annabeth sure that his words were true and he was shameful for his acts.

"I have done very horrible and unforgivable things in my life. I have ruined my own life and also those around me. I ruined you and I am well aware of that."

There were unshed tears in his eyes. His voice was trembling. Seeing his state, Annabeth couldn't help but get a few tears of her own herself.

"In that place, I got to feel how you must have felt that night, Annabeth. For nine years straight. It kept me awake at nights. I would always be on a look-out and then I thought about what I did to you... I can't ever forgive myself but Eloise keeps me from digging a grave for myself. I could never have confronted you had it not been for her."

Annabeth watched on as Octavian finally shed his tears. It made her feel bad for the man. She should have remembered that what goes around, comes around. She had to let go of that hate. She had to. Otherwise she was sure that she would dig up a grave for herself as well.

"It's hard for me to imagine how you survived, but so have I. I know that I won't be able to forgive you completely but I could make a start," she said giving Octavian a sad smile. "Let me first go and close the door, then we can start with discussing your house. Sound good?"

He broke out into loud sobs and kept thanking and apologising her in broken whispers. She just went to him and hugged him as he sat on the chair.

"Things will get alright. I believe they will. For the both of us," she whispered back to him.

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