Why Does My Heart Sing When It's Around You?

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Let's Go (full EP) by IN LOVE WITH A GHOST

Percy's P.O.V

Sunlight shone across the floorboards by the time Percy woke up and he was wrapped up in the blue duvet of his bed. He found himself acting as a big spoon to a blonde figure, with her back pressed to his chest and his arm around her waist. She smelled like wildflowers and spring breeze to him.

For some reason, whenever she was next to him, there was always some lo-fi songs playing in his head. There was just some magic in lo-fi that made him feel as if he was in love. And maybe he was but he didn't care because this girl gave him the best of feelings. Maybe he was still messed up but with her his mind was entangled a whole lot less and at the same time crazily mixed up. This didn't make sense to him.

He slowly unwrapped his arms from her so that he would not wake her.  After all, it was still fairly early in the morning. He needed breakfast to fuel up his Thrusday morning along with some milkshake. He thought that Annabeth could use it too.

He opened the fridge and brought out six eggs and the only bread packet that was left. Percy made a mental note to go grocery shopping. It had been due for quite a while now. He walked over to his front door and opened it. Like always, a fresh copy of the New York Times and New York Gazette waited for him along with two fresh bottles of milk that was always brought in by their regular milkman.

He proceeded to boil the milk and placed the frying pan diagonal to the burner on which the milk was kept. He walked over to his stereo and popped in his mix of lo-fi hip-hop that he liked to listen to while working. He set about to making breakfast in his peppy mood. He didn't remember when he last woke up in such a great mood. He gave credits for this feeling to the events that had transpired last night. Recalling last night, brought a smile to his face.

Percy had just finished with the eggs, when a groggy Luke came over and sat on the kitchen island. Percy looked at his sleepy yet contended face and chuckled.

"Seems like someone had good dreams last night," Percy teased his friend.

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. But what sure is a shocker is that you are in a good mood today. Something happen last night?" Luke said.

There were so many things he wanted to tell Luke. His new feelings, his dreams, his new fears, his deepest thoughts. He wanted to tell Luke what laid in the center of his soul. But he just stuck with the same old reply he always gave him, "Nothing."

He was sure that his pleasant smile and dark circles told the other man that his reply was way off the truth, but he was glad his friend didn't pry much. After all, not all secrets are meant to be told. 

Percy took out the cream, whipped cream, blueberries and black current from the fridge. The milk had boiled nicely all that was left was to wait for the milk to cool which he was sure wouldn't take long. He started on the process of blending the cream with blueberries and black currents respectively. Luke watched him work as he slowly ate his sunny side up with buttered toast.

A loud yawn sounded from the short hallway that was in their apartment and Annabeth strolled into the room with small tired steps. Her curls were a beautiful mess and the sun lit up her hair as if it was some sort of gold treasure. Her loose gray shirt was off-shouldered and reached past her thighs and she also wore a pair of black pajamas as her night wear.

He didn't know how a person could look so beautiful in such a simple attire, especially a person who had just woken up. But she was beautiful and that would always remain a fact.

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