Reminiscent Of The Old Days

909 22 34

wake up by EDEN

Annabeth's P.O.V.

The one thing she was sure of was that her heart was threatening to hammer out of her chest. When Percy had collapsed, she had reacted late and couldn't stop him from hitting his head on the floor. She won't deny it or downplay it, but she was absolutely terrified. What if the fall resulted in his neck snapping?

She was the first to snap out of her stupor though. She got up and knelt down next to, cradling Percy's head.

"Call an ambulance!" she yelled. Luke got up and whipped out his phone dialing the number. Ethan rushed over to her and knelt down opposite to her, checking his pulse.

"Pulse is a bit slower than normal. He needs medical attention. NOW," he declared.

"They'll be here in ten. I asked them if they could come sooner but it seems that this is the best that they can do," Luke reported to the two.

By this time a crowd had started to gather around them. The staff was trying to get them away but the atmosphere had become very tense. Two staff members suggested that they lay him down inside on one of the couches that they had.

Annabeth, with reluctance, backed away and let Luke and the two staff members carry him inside. Ethan and her were quick to follow.

It wasn't much later that the sirens were heard and the paramedics rushed in. They put him on a stretcher and carefully adjusted him to a comfortable position.  Annabeth wasn't allowed to ride with him and neither were Luke or Ethan. They said that only family could. It made her furious, but nonetheless she hailed a taxi as soon as she faced away from the paramedics closing the door of the ambulance and getting ready to drive away.

"Could you please follow the ambulance?" she said as soon as she got in.

"Sure thing," replied the driver as he started driving.

"Luke, call his mother," she said looking at the mentioned man, who just nodded and dialed the number.

While Luke talked to Percy's mom, Ethan sat in the middle - his arms wrapped around Annabeth - trying to comfort her. She felt that he knew that she trying hard not to break down; and she really appreciated the thought.

Luke hung up soon and said, "She's on her way. She says he might be triggered by something in the restaurant."

"Mentioning the restaurant - which one of us paid?" Ethan said, in a weak attempt to ease the tension. Annabeth couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"I did. But that fucker isn't going to get out of this so easy. He'll have pay me back. Afterall, he said that this date was on him," Luke said, looking serious but they knew that he was just playing around.


Soon they arrived at the hospital. The desk guy told them that the doctors were just running a few tests before they would be able to see him. He told them the room number that he would be allotted as soon as the tests were done.

Annabeth was glad that he was not in the emergency room. That would've had her hyperventilating.

They sat on the cool metal seats, that one usually finds when in hospitals, and waited as patiently as they could.

"I sometimes feel that I should quit my job," Annabeth said out of the blue.

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