All I See Is Magic

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Epilogue II

Percy's P.O.V

Percy had faced a crowd of thousands and sang in front of them. He had been called in for interrogation multiple times by the police for all sorts of things. Hell, he had even made it through highschool without killing himself and managed to rank the highest in his class (which was still a bit unbelievable to him).

However, today he was nervous because he was about to pick his girlfriend up from the airport.
Why would someone be nervous if they are just picking up their girlfriend from the airport?

Well, he was planning to propose to his girlfriend tonight. So he had plenty to be nervous about.

'What if she says no?'

'What if she doesn't like it?'

'What if already knows and thinks that this is pathetic?'

'What if I'm pathetic at commiting to her?'

'What if she thinks I'm a loser?'

One would say these are just thoughts, but these thoughts ruled Percy's actions for today. Even the blood pumping in his veins almost seemed to taunt to him.

He sat in his car wearing shades to cover his eyes and a beanie to cover his hair. He didn't want the paparazzi on his tail. Not when he was already on the verge of an anxiety attack.

Just when he thought he would succumb to his internal panic, his phone rang.

Wise Girl, it read.

He smiled and attended the call. She always knew whenever things were about to go wrong.

"Hello, sweetheart," she said in a teasing tone. A grin broke out on his face.

"Greetings, darling," he said in an almost perfect English accent. "I believe you have now landed?"

"Oh, shut up," she said while laughing. "I can't imagine you being English. It's so weird."

"I know," he replied with a cheeky grin still plastered on his face. "Are you still in the plane?"

She sighed before she answered, "Yeah, I still am. We just landed and I'll collect the bags which will take a bit of time. But I should be out in about thirty minutes."

"Ugh, I can't wait to see you!"

"Aw, don't fret so much, Seaweed Brain. I'll be with you soon."

"Alright, I guess I can wait a few minutes more."

"That's my man."

There was something in the way she said that, that made him feel this was the first time she'd ever said those words to any other man. It made him happy. The way she called him her man, it made him want to spend his entire life getting her to call him that.

He finally made up his mind.

He was going to propose to her. Because deep down, he knew she wanted this to last.

And what a better promise to each other than the highest form of commitment?

After thirty minutes, just as Annabeth had said, she came out the doors with her bags on the stroller that one usually sees in an airport.

Percy got out to help her. Luckily, there were no paparazzis around to hound them.

He went up to her and hugged her close before kissing her on the lips. He smiled into their short kiss and then stared down at her, love and affection blooming in his heart.

"Let's go home, Perce," she said with a warm smile of her own on her face.

"Yeah, let's go home," he replied. Then he took her stroller and told her to get in as he placed the bags in the boot of their car.

She had already set her favorite station and was singing along to the song on the radio, which incidentally happened to be one of Percy's own songs.

He smiled at his girlfriend. This is what he wanted forever.

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