Explanation Is Vital

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Give me Novacaine by Green Day

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Janice, I need you to call me as soon as the first few interviewers show up on Monday. Also, you can tell Max and Eyana that they need to send me a few drawings of the type of buildings they design. Their interview will be on Tuesday. Any work coming in today, has to be put in the 'Pending Pile'. Any calls asking for appointment or asking to see if I am in office, have to be told that I am not available today but can be met up on Tuesday or Wednesday.... Thank you, Janice. Sorry for interrupting your day off... Thanks again. See you on Monday. Goodbye."

Annabeth sighed and put the receiver of her landline down. She was in her office going over few job applications that had rolled in just the day after her ad came out. She had come to office on a Saturday. Why was that? Because she wanted to escape her annoying friend.

Hazel was already off at her job at the flower shop that her half-brother, Nico di Angelo (who moved to America from Italy after his sister, Bianca di Angelo and mother, Maria di Angelo passed away in a building collapsing accident) and she owned together, and Piper had her day off unlike the two. That got her bored and when she was bored, she would either rant endlessly about things or go out shopping both of which Annabeth didn't want to do. So instead of staying home and working, she escaped to her office. Luckily for her, she had a half day today so she was leaving at three in the afternoon.

She had made sure to tell Janice, her assistant on how to run things from home for today and she made sure to raise her pay. Janice was going out of the way to help her, this was least Annabeth could do.

She gathered the rest of her files and placed them on the 'Pending Pile'. She wanted to have a free weekend without having any troubles. She had to keep a free mind if she was going to enjoy today at the Mildbrooke Club, which was one of most famous hangout points of New York.

Her office landline started ringing. She walked over to her office's front desk and picked it up because nobody was there to pass her calls to her today.

"This is the Chase Firm and you have reached Annabeth Chase. How may I help you?" she said into the receiver.

"Hey Annie! It's me, Thalia. Thalia Grace. You didn't tell me you opened up your own firm! Congratulations!" a voice answered.

"Thalia? You mean from high school?"

"From where else, dummy?"

"Oh my Gods! It is you! How have you been?"

"I am doing fine and I am in town. We need to meet up. Where do you live?"

Classic Thalia, thought Annabeth and said, "I live in Manhattan and you remember the Valdez building? The one where Leo used to live? That's where I am."

"Is there any chance we could meet up at a subway train station? I am getting on a train that leaves for Manhattan in, like, five minutes."

"Wait for me there. I am just leaving my office. How did you get my number anyways?"

"Newspaper advertisements for job applicants," was Thalia's smart reply.

"Stop saying big words, I may mistake you for Jason."

"Speaking of Jason, I need to call him.  I will talk to you later, I am boarding my train. Meet up at the station." Then, she hung up.  She was always the type to give surprises.

Annabeth quickly closed her office, grabbed her bag and made her way towards the streets. The streets were slightly less crowded than usual and Annabeth was glad for that, for now she could study the people walking around her. This was one of her smart traits, being able to study the people by their body language. Her analyzing gray eyes swept over the crowd.

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