I don't want to avoid your eyes...

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That was interesting...

Chan thought as he was walking out the building.

I guess since I canceled my class, I'll just go back and finish up some stuff and go home

Chan made it back to his classroom after the long walk, surprised to see Yeri in his class.

"Yeri? What are you doing here? I had canceled class" he walked in to sit down in his chair.

"Hi Dr.Bang~ , um. Ya I know, I just wanted to say hi anyways" she said leaning against his desk.

Chan rolled his eyes.

Jesus... not again...

"Well, it was nice seeing you as well. I hope you have a nice day" he gave a fake smile as he opened his laptop.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could get some extra help from you" she shifted to sit on his desk.

He looked up at her with a plain look.


"Uh huh" she leaned closer to his ear.

"Like you helped your assistant Felix" she whispered.

Chan jumped back.

"Excuse me?"

She licked her lips before continuing.

"It's ok Dr.Bang, I won't tell if we have some private time " she winked.

Chan started to panic.

"Yeri, I don't know what you are insinuating. But I haven't had any-"

"You don't have to lie, I know" she narrowed her eyes as she pulled out her phone.

She pulled up something before showing it to Chan.

"Never thought you would look even hotter in a leather jacket" she teased as she showed him her phone.

"Th-those pictures...."

They were the pictures Felix had shown to him, the ones of the two of them at night.

"Yeri, where did you get those? Did you take them?" He said coldly.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" she smirked.


"Anyways Dr.Bang, I would like some Private time with you as soon as I can-"

Chan lost it, he snapped. He stood up slamming his desk before leaning into her face.

"Yeri, I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm not interested in the game you're trying to play. And you better leave Felix the hell alone or so help me I will ruin you. I don't care if your father is the Dean" he seethed with anger.

"I... I..." she stuttered.

"Now you better delete those damn photos off your phone, or I will fucking fail you in this class. I don't give a shit who your daddy is, got that?" He gritted his teeth.

Yeri started to cry.

"Y-yes... I do..." she ran off crying.

Chan watched her run out, taking a deep breath before sitting back down.

So it was her with the photos...?
I need to tell Felix...
Maybe she was the one with the notes too...?

Chan went back to work, focusing on finishing before he would leave to go home.

God this day is something else...


"I hope their talk went ok..." Felix mumbled as he was stretching in his last class.

Maybe tonight we can order take out again?

He thought as he was finishing up his class.

He collapsed on the floor staring at the ceiling, thinking of how his week has been.

This week has been something else... Jesus...

He groaned as he closed his eyes.

"Chan should be here by now..."

He got up to walk out the studio to the locker room.
Once he got there, he slowed his tracks down once he got closer to his locker.


He inched closer to see he locker open and all his stuff all over the floor.

"Who did this..?"

He got closer as began to pick up his clothes that were scattered on the ground, stuffing them back in his bag.

I bet it was fucking Yugyeom!
That's fucking it!
I'm gonna kill him tomorrow!
I don't care if I get kicked out the program!

He was furious as he packed everything in his bag.

"Great... now I'm gonna be late meeting Chan..."

Chan on the other hand was waiting outside per usual against his car.

"He's taking longer than usual..." he pulled out his phone to check the time.

Guess I'll check some emails...

He tapped through his phone looking at them, not realizing someone walked up behind him. Startling him.



Just as he turned around, someone knocked him out. He fell to the ground with a large thud as the assailant ran off.

"Finally..." Felix said as he packed his stuff up and walked out the locker room.

Hopefully Chan isn't too mad I'm late...

He jogged out the building , running down the steps.

"Chan-" he stopped in his tracks as he didn't see the older standing next to his car as he always did.

He looked around and only saw his car, but not him.

"Channie..." he furrowed his eyebrows as he walked closer to his car.

Panic set in as soon as he saw the older on the ground passed out.

"Oh my god! Channie... Channie!" He crouched down to shake him, but he wouldn't wake up.

"Channie! Chan- " he was suddenly pulled backwards, a cloth coming over his mouth.


Was his last breath before everything went black.

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