I think something has changed a bit

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Felix was somehow able to make it to his next class to catch the last half, apologizing to the professor for being late.

Once he was done with that class, he was excited to meet up with Kai and practice some more.

On his way he was texting Changbin about what happened that day, him also being surprised as to what had happened.

Quickly 3:30 came around as Felix changed in the locker room to walk down the hallways and look for Kai.

"He said to meet him here... but he didn't say what studio...."

Felix kept walking, peeking through the door of each empty studio until he heard music from one.

He slowly opened to see Kai doing a choreography that looked like soloist level.

Felix quietly opening the door, walking in as he was mesmerized by Kai's dancing.

Holy shit... he's amazing...

Felix watched him for a few minutes until the older noticed he was there, stopping his dance and pausing the music.

"Like what you saw?" He joked panting out.

"Y-ya! It was amazing!"

"You'll be able to do this level someday" he smiled as he walked over to Felix.

"I hope!" The younger squeaked in excitement.

"Good, let's get started.

30 minutes has passed and Felix felt he already improved so much from Kai's techniques.

"I think the problem is your turnout" Kai said as he sat on the floor watching Felix do a routine that included a pirouette.

"My turnout?"

"Yup, I'll show you" Kai got up walking to Felix.

"Ok, watch yourself in the mirror while I show you"

"Oh, ok"

"So after the landing and you do the plié, you aren't lifting your hip high enough. That's how you keep falling out of the turn"


"So like this" Kai suddenly went up behind Felix, pressing his body and hips into Felix's back, making the younger nervous.

Kai reached his hand down Felix's thigh, lifting it as he kept his other hand on his hip.

"So lift, and extend" he said as he slid his hand closer to Felix's inner thigh, almost to his crotch as he turned his hip to the side.

Felix was too flustered to actually pay attention to the technique as Kai continued to touch him. He didn't realize he was looking down until Kai got his attention.


"Huh? Yes?"

"You aren't looking in the mirror" he chuckled as he looked down to the younger.

"Oh! Um.. sorry! Yes, I need to extend, got it" he said nervously as he looking in the mirror as told.

" Good, let's try this again before we finish up" Kai said walking to the front to watch Felix.

"O-ok!" Felix said as he began the routine.

He was amazed by himself as he ran through it with no mistakes.

"I did it!" He ran towards Kai.

"You sure did!" Kai went to hug him.

Felix just froze not knowing how to react.

Kai pulled away before speaking.

"Oh, I'm sorry! That was sudden, sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I just get ecstatic when I see my students progress" he said running his hand in his hair.

"I-it's ok! I'm happy with my progress too!"

"Yes, well it seems like you're a quick learner when it's one-on-one time. I don't think everyday extra practice is necessary, just twice a week should suffice"

"Ok, if you think so!" Felix smiled at him.

"Yup. Well I'm going to head out" Kai said before grabbing his bag on the floor.

"Oh and Felix"


"I can't wait to see the look on Yugyeom's face tomorrow" he laughed as he walked out.

Felix was over the moon, he figured out ways to perfect his technique and he's not as behind now.

Yes! I'm so happy!
See, I don't know what Chan was worried about.

He giggled to himself before walking out and going to his Improvisation class that was in of the studio rooms close by.


"Finally.... "

Felix said out loud as he collapsed on the floor.
After 15 minutes he got up.

Chan should be here by now

He got up to get everything as usual before walking out the building, this time paying attention to his surroundings as he saw Chan leaning against his car.

"Channie!" He squeaked as he ran up to hug the older.

"Well hello there cutie, someone doesn't mind being " seen" this time, huh?" Chan joked as he hugged him back.

"Channie I missed you all day... and you were the one who said I was being paranoid. Look, I can yell I love you and no one would hear because it's empty. I LOVE CHA-"

"OK, we don't need to do that now" Chan laughed as he quickly covered Felix's mouth.

"That's still our little secret" he teased as he moved his hand to peck Felix on the lips.

"I knowww Channie" he giggled back.

"Come on, let's go home and you can tell me why you're full of energy instead of dead tired" Chan laughed as he opened the car door for Felix before getting in his side and driving off.

That night however.

Someone who had been watching.

Knew their secret...


I love seungmin, but I ALWAYS get him. I have like 30 of him, but no I.N or Han🤡😭

N or Han🤡😭

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