Something has changed...

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Felix was happy his last class was over, he was ready to pass out.

As usual, he was the last one out. Going to his locker to grab his bag before heading out. As he was walking out the building, he took out his phone to check his messages and email.

* 1 new email*

Felix opened the email to read it.

"Holy shit, ballet is canceled tomorrow?! Fuck yes!" He cheered as he kept walking down the sidewalk, still reading the email.

"Baby boy, what have I told you about being aware of your surroundings?"

"What the fuck?!" Felix screamed from being startled as he turned around.

He turned around to see Chan leaning against his car.

"Channie?! What are you doing here again?! And you almost gave me a heart attack!" He breathed out clenching his chest as he walked closer to the older.

"And this is why I told you I would be picking you up at night from now on, you literally didn't see me. Again for that matter" he said reaching for Felix's hands, only to have the younger swat them away again.

"Channie! I already told you no touching while we're in the open!" He whispered.

"Lix, you're paranoid way too much. There is literally no one here, it's a wasteland. I've been sitting in my car for 30 minutes, not a single person in sight". He said reaching for Felix's hands again.

Felix looked around again before finally giving in.

"Fine...." he mumbled before leaning in to Chan's touch.

Chan wrapped his arms around him, kissing him on the forehead.

"I missed you all day beautiful" he said whispering in his ear.

Felix reach his arms hugging Chan back.

"I missed you all day too Channie... today was rough..." he mumbled against his chest.

Chan pulled away to look at him.

"Mine too, let's talk about it in the car, hm? You must be hungry too, I made stir fry chicken and rice for dinner" he smiled as he cupped the younger's cheeks.

"O-oh ok Channie" he smiled back before parting for them to get in his car.

They drove off, not thinking Felix's premonition would be even close.

Because once again.

Someone saw them.


"So tell me how your day was cutie" Chan smiled as he glanced to Felix.

"It was ok? I um... almost got into another fight with someone and-"

"You what?!" Chan practically yelled.

"Felix, I already told you-"

"Channie you didn't let me finish! I said ALMOST, I didn't actually get into one" he pouted.


"Anyways, I made some new friends. Oh and my teacher is really nice! He noticed I'm struggling, so he said he would help me one-on-one outside of class for improvement!" He said with excitement.

"Oh... is he now...." Chan's tone dropped.

"Ya, what's wrong...?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'm happy you made friends Lix"

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