Where is it? Your pretty smile...

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Felix leaned against the counter, his heart dropped as he almost fell to the ground.

Who...? Who is doing this..?!
Yugyeom! That bastard!

"He was just here wasn't he..." Felix grabbed the paper as he ran out the locker room.


Felix yelled up and down the hallways, however it was dead silent with not a single person.

"The asshole probably ran off... I'll deal with him in class tomorrow...." he gritted his teeth as he walked back into the locker room. He stomped back over to his bag, unzipping it to shove the paper inside.

He looked at himself in the mirror, wiping few tears that were left as he tried to calm himself.

Calm down... I'm about to see Chan...
I can't worry him...
I'll keep this to myself

He took a few deep breathes as he grabbed his bag to walk out. Looking for Yugyeom in case as he made it out the building. But it was still empty and silent.

What Felix didn't realize was the building wasn't empty.

There was someone hiding in the back of the locker room watching him.


"Baby you ok? You've been quiet since the drive home" Chan asked softly. The two were on the couch cuddled next to each other.

"Ya, I'm fine..." Felix responded plainly.

"Ok... you sure..? You always like to sit on my lap... and you're not..." he said quietly.

"I'm sorry Channie... I'm just... stressed... I just want some space right now..."

"Is that why you didn't respond to me all day? Am I smothering you? If I am tell me and I'll-"

Felix turned his body to Chan to face him.

"Chan... no you aren't... I just had a bad day... and I'm stressed... I'm sorry I didn't respond to you... it's not you..." Felix said sadly.

"It's ok, you don't have to explain everything to me. And just know, if something is bothering you, I want you to tell me. You know I don't like you keeping secrets, I worry about you more..." he said with a small smile as reached for Felix's hands.

"Yes.. Channie... I know.... I promise...I'm not...."

Felix never thought he would have to lie to Chan's face about such a serious problem he was facing, but he wanted to shoulder that burden alone.

"Ok baby. How's about I make us some popcorn?" Chan reached to ruffle his hair.

"Sounds perfect Channie" Felix gave him smile before the older got up.

His smiled dropped once the older left, because it wasn't perfect. Nothing was. Someone was out to ruin his reputation, and he needed to find out who.


It was finally Friday and Felix thought he would feel happy, but he wasn't. That note weighed on his mind all night and all morning. He couldn't sleep, just tossing and turning. So not only was he tired, but agitated and in no mood to deal with people.

He even told Changbin it wasn't a good idea to meet today, which he said was fine.

Felix couldn't wait for his Modern dance class, he was ready to confront Yugyeom once and for all about his notes.

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