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"Are you shitting me? This was why you pulled me away from my date?"

"Am I a joke to you?" Jimin narrowed his eyes at his best friend, tilting his head to the side, "You know you're the only one I can do this with."

Folding her arms over her chest, Sooyoung pressed her lips into a thin line, stony expression unwavering as she stared down the blonde in front of her, "I can't believe you've done this."

Jimin tolled his eyes, tugging at her wrist as he pulled her inside the arcade, "Don't be such a drama queen, you know I'm just competitive."

"I thought you were being murdered, Jimin."

"Well, surprise, you're not that lucky." The boy quipped with a small smirk as he pulled her through the crowd, an awkward looking Yoongi trailing behind.

After hearing how panicked Sooyoung sounded, Yoongi insisted on coming with her in case she needed him, but when they arrived at the pier, to see Jimin, a girl he assumed was his date and Jungkook, he couldn't help but feel his mood plummet.

Towards the back of the arcade stood the machine that Jimin SOS'ed his best friend for. Dance Dance Revolution.

Sooyoung rubbed her eyes in exasperation, "This is ridiculous."

Ignoring her complaint, Jimin looked over her shoulder to where Yoongi stood, "You don't mind if I borrow your date briefly, do you? I apologize for not elaborating sooner, I just knew she'd say no."

Smiling slightly, Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, "Go ahead."

"Okay, so Heeyeong and Jungkook are going to be on one team, we're going to be on the other, got it?"

Jungkook, after remaining silent since Sooyoung and Yoongi arrived, spoke up, "Are you really that insecure you're going to lose against me that you're creating teams?"

"Shut your whore mouth, Jungkook, get ready to lose." Jimin all but seethed.

"He gets ridiculously competitive when it comes to DDR, the inner ghetto comes out." Sooyoung explained, pushing on Jimin's shoulders towards the small dance floor, "Let's get this over with already."

Grinning, Jimin put in the put the tokens in the machine and stood back, choosing their song as though it was second nature to him. Upon hearing the familiar tune of Backstreet Boys, Sooyoung grinned.

"And suddenly I feel like I'm eleven again," She snickered, giving her friend a high-five before they both began their sequenced dance, hitting the arrows almost perfectly in sync despite the years that wedged them from their last round.

Laughing childishly all the way through it, Jimin and Sooyoung ended it with a celebratory hug at their high score.

"Suck it, Kook, there's no way you're beating that." Jimin smirked triumphantly, puffing out his chest as he hopped off the little platform.

"He won't be if he has me for a partner," Heeyeong chuckled, taking a step back as she looked down at the black heels on her feet, "I'm not dedicated enough to undo the straps of these."

"I honestly don't blame you," Sooyoung hummed in awe as she admired the criss-cross pattern that the laces did up Heeyeong's legs, "That is art."

Heeyeong smiled, bowing her head slightly, "Thank you, but I much prefer your shoes," She gestured down to Sooyoung's weathered black Doc Martens, "But I'm too broke."

"I feel that, I got these for Christmas two years ago otherwise I probably wouldn't own them—"

"— Hey, I'm glad you two are getting along," Jimin interrupted, his tone somewhat soft, "But I have boasted way too much to lose to Jungkook."

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