One Shot[2]

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(Requested by a friend from discord with the prompt "Get a room, will ya?") 

Who would thought that the Underground Hero, Shouta Aizawa was such a sap for Yagi toshinori, known as the Former Number One Hero All Might. Since the two had confessed to each other's feelings and they went on a few dates after that. 

Anyone else, basically their circle of friends has noticed how Shouta acts around Toshi, he usually hides behind him, not because of shyness, he was not a social person after all but they were used to, and the fact that Shouta would stutter when Toshi asked him a question or talks to him. It's something people would called it Cute. 

However, they all know Shouta always deny every fact that he was cute, he was not cute but he admits, he feels like it whenever he is with Toshi, holding each other's hands. He wasn't sure but he really love holding Toshi's hands, making him a little clingy for someone like him

Sometimes, whenever they were grading papers, and one of them needs a break, they would just curled their arms around the other, wasn't feeling as a disturbance but yeah, it was domestic alright. Shouta likes to give the hugs for Toshi, because of his height of course, he thinks Toshi is too tall for this world, but Toshi didn't mind anyway, he liked to bully Shouta for his height sometimes too but Shouta feel like he wants to kiss the other man but he wasn't ready, he was still scared but thank heaven, Toshi is a type of understanding that they could take it slow, no matter what. 

At U.A they were not as clingy as at home but they would just be together n matter what, if one is missing, you know where to find the other anyway. Shouta had to stay back for a while longer as to finish the teaching plans for the rest of the month and further. 

Toshi was waiting by the couch they had as he was scrolling through his phone., texting Young Midoriya about his training progress. he looked to where Shouta was and got up from his seat, tip toeing behind his seat, as not to spook him or if anything happens during his work, Toshi would eventually end up sleeping outside or with the cats. 

Shouta was so focused in his work, he was not paying attention his surroundings, so by the time he suddenly felt chills on his right, "Toshi, what are you -"

He felt lips on his! Tpshi's lips were on his, he didn't know what to do but he could feel himself kissing back and his hands suddenly were on Toshi's face, pulling him closer, as he suddenly feel Toshi's tongue pushing into him and he gladly accepting it until 


They pulled away and Hizashi was there pretending to puke over the scene and Nemuri was trying not to laugh. Shout got up and threw a duster to Hizashi and earned a groaned. "OW! Shou-chan! Toshi, kiss the heck out of him will you?"

"Shut up Mic, or I will hung you upside down as an antenna for your radio station". Mic hid behind Nemuri, "Stil, you love us, but anyways, do you guys wanna join in for drinks or are you two busy pushing your tongues to each other's throat?". 

Toshi immediately go through a coughing fit and Shouta immeadiately grabbed his capture weapon and went straight to Zashi. 


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