Chapter 22- Hangin With The Little One's

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(America's POV)

"Russia please calm down!"

"America! I thought you said we would never keep secrets from each other!" Russia shouted. I stepped back a bit, he's pretty scary when he gets angry. "If you had told me then we could've worked out where you were going to stay! Instead of you just showing up here without my siblings knowing anything about it! I could have told them sooner so then they wouldn't come home to a new adopted brother that came from nowhere!"

"Please Russia just hear me out! I was going to tell you I promise but at that time it was such a great opportunity that I wouldn't let it slip!" I said holding Russia's hand. To my relief, his eyes began to soften.

"I understand your intentions but why didn't you tell me what you were up to? I could've said something or defended you... The only reason I didn't was because I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say..." Russia's voice began to trail off more and more as he went on.

"Russia, I really am sorry... I promise I won't keep any more secrets from you..." Me and Russia moved closer to each other. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we weren't even an inch away from each other when there was a chuckle from behind us. We turned around in surprise, Kazakhstan and Belarus were hiding behind the kitchen counter, watching us!

"Wh... WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!" Russia shouted, blush covering his face turning it a bright red.

"Mmm... no~ reason..." Kazakhstan replied with a slight smirk on his face.


"Aww~ It was just getting interesting!" Belarus protested as the two left the room. Russia watched them go and sighed,

"I-I'm sorry about them... It seems as if we won't be able to get some time alone from here on out..." I shrugged, me and Rus never got much time alone anyway...

(TIME SKIP and third-person POV)

Germany and Poland walked down the hallway of the school, deep in conversation.

"I'm telling you! If North and South were to get into a fight South Korea would win!" Poland said.

"No way! Was bringt dich dazu das zu sagen?" (What makes you say that?) Germany asked almost in a friendly, teasing way.

"Think about it! South as way more friends than North does! And China and Japan don't even like North Korea, they just work for him because they're afraid of him!"

"Speaking of them, are they still suspended from school? It's been a while hasn't it?" Germany asked tipping his head slightly.

"Well duh. I mean they did almost kill someone... that seems like something to be suspended for a long time about." Poland snickered, "Besides there's been a lot less drama since they left,"

"Ain't that the truth..." Germany said, "Oh, and have you tried the new- oof!" Germany had bumped into someone and fell to the floor. "Ow..."

"Germy! Are you alright?" Poland asked helping him to his feet.

"Yeah... Watch where you're goin-" Germany stopped mid-sentence as he saw Russia glaring down at him. "Oh, hey Russland..." Germany said with almost a growl in his tone. 'God, I'm getting tired of seeing him everywhere!'

"Oh... hi..." Russia replied with his voice deep.

"Ruski!" A high pitched yell came from down the hallway. 'Great... now I have to deal with America too...' Germany thought. But it was Belarus who came running over to them.

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