Chapter 1- Bullying Problems

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America woke with a start as Britain came barging into his room.

"America! How many bloody times do I have to tell you!? Get up or you're going to be late for school!" America sat up in his bed still exhausted, he could barely sleep last night and now he has to go to school?

"Do I really have too~? You know I'm going to get bullied anyway..." He asked looking over at his father in the doorway.

"Yes, you can't afford to miss out on any more work. I know that these bullies are a problem, but just try to stay out of their way okay?" Ame rolled his eyes, 'yeah, I've heard that answer before...' He thought. From personal experience, America already knew staying away from them was not possible. They would hunt him down even if he hid in the bathroom. America got out of bed anyway to get ready. He looked at himself in the mirror of his bathroom. He had scars up and down his arms, some of them were ones that he created himself, but the majority was from his bullies constantly beating him up. Ame never had anyone to protect him either, all of his siblings were in grades below him and even though America and his younger brother Canada go to the same school, they hardly even see each other. Everyone also knew that America was depressed, therefore most people were afraid of Ame hurting them or something. He got ready and went downstairs for breakfast, the rest of his family were already sitting at the kitchen table.

"Good Morning Ame!" New Zealand smiled at America as he approached the table. Hearing the sound of his younger sister's voice calmed him a bit. He nodded in reply and sat down, he must have been looking gloomier than usual because Australia then asked,

"You okay mate?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm just... really deep in thought..." America replied. He could barely eat, the thought of going to school just to be harassed by his bullies unsettled him. Nevertheless, he forced himself to eat a piece of toast before leaving the house with Canada. They lived close enough to the school to walk to and from it. America and Canada walked in silence for a while before Maple finally spoke.

"I-It's cold this morning, isn't it?" Ame exhaled, his breath turned into a steam.

"You're right... I expected the end of March to be warmer but it's like winter never ended..." He replied. Canada suddenly put his hand on America's shoulder and he jumped a bit.

"See what these bullies have done to you? You're so jumpy that you can't relax! Even around me. It's okay Ame... I know you're going through a lot but you have to tell someone! A teacher or something! Does dad even know that this bullying is physical!?" America turned his head away not wanting to answer, "Ame if you don't tell someone I will! I can't just standby and watch my eldest brother get hurt!"

"Don't go snitching on them Canada... that'll only make you they're new target..." America said still not looking up.

"It's not snitching, it's reporting! This kind of bullying is not only forbidden in the school, but it's also against the law! And I could care less if they came after me... as long as you're safe!"

"It's not you're place to be protecting me... I'm the oldest I should be protecting you. Even if it causes harm to myself." America told his brother. His voice was calm and rather confident but on the inside, Ame was scared for Canada's safety. They approached the school and parted ways, Maple and America looked back at each other.

"Tell someone..." Canada mouthed to his brother before turning away. America went to his locker to get his things for his next class. The moment Ame opened his locker the door was pushed shut by someone behind him. America whirled his head around, his heart dropped, standing in front of him was North Korea, South Korea, Japan and China (AKA... his bullies). "Oh... h-hey guys..." 

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