Chapter 28- Something Uncovered

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(America's POV)

Russia hadn't been acting himself for almost two weeks. Germany still hadn't been found and a few days later was officially reported missing. People were searching day and night but came out with nothing, even with the K-9 unit out there. Summer break had started but nothing really seemed to change... I woke up one morning to a hard knocking on the door followed by, "Police, open up!" I quickly got out of bed and ran to the front door. I opened it slowly, still being exhausted. I looked at the police officer and was surprised when I saw Mexico looking back at me. He had dropped out of high school to work in the military but it appears he's settled for a police officer instead.

"Sorry to barge in so early in the morning amigo, but do you know if a man named Russia Moscow is around? I have been told he knew one of our missing people." Mexico explained.

"Uh... yeah. He's upstairs sleeping, would you like me to get him?" I asked already beginning to turn towards the stairs. Mexico nodded and with that I when up the stairs to Russia's room. "Make yourself at home," I called over my shoulder. I entered Russia's room trying not to make to much noise. I sat down next to him on the bed and kissed him gently on the lips. Rus slowly blinked his eyes open then rested his gaze on me.

He smiled warmly, "Good morning Ame..."

"Hey Rus... you gotta get up. There's a police officer at the door and he wants to speak with you..." Russia sat up at these words and got out of bed. We both walked down the stairs to see Mexico waiting for us at the bottom.

"Russia Moscow is it? I have a few questions for you..." Mexica said looking straight past me.

"О чем?" (About what?) Russia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sure you're aware that a young man named Germany Berlin had gone missing almost three weeks ago and I have recently been informed that you used to be very close to him." Mexico explained calmly. "Mind if I asked you a few questions amigo?" Russia shrugged indicating that he didn't care what he was asked. "Where were you on May 6th at 11:38 pm?" That was straight forward...

Russia thought for a moment before he responded. "In my room, texting my sister Estonia..."

"Prove it..." Mexico said, narrowing his eyes to mere slits. Russia pulled out his phone and looked as if he was scrolling through something. He then showed his phone to Mexico who looked at it for a while then nodded, "I see you're telling the truth... What do you know about Germany?" He asked.

"Well he used to be my best friend then boyfriend but we broke up then he killed America's brother, a miracle he didn't get in trouble for that... And two weeks ago Poland and Czech Republic told us that he was missing... I assume you've already spoken to them?" Russia spoke calmly and quickly as he explained.

"Muy interesante..." (Very interesting) Mexico stated simply. "And when was the last time you saw him?"

"Four or five weeks ago. We go to the same school but believe it or not we don't see each other often." Russia replied.

"And you haven't seen or heard from him since?" Rus shook his head. Mexico didn't mention the fact that I tied Poland and Germany up in an alleyway and beat them up. Maybe Poland didn't say anything about it... That's like her... something happens but she doesn't talk about it. She usually says "what's in the past is in the past" even though she's been worrying over Germany for over a month now. Maybe that's different... after a few more questions that required rather simple answers, Mexico left saying he needed to get back to the station.

I turned to Russia after the police car had driven away, "So~ what do you wanna do now?"

"I don't know... it's still pretty early in the morning..." Russia shrugged looking over at the sun which had just risen over the horizon.

"Maybe we could go on a walk through the forest. It'll be calming there with all this drama going around." I suggested. Rus nodded and went to dress himself. I had fallen asleep already dressed so I just waited by the door. Russia came down the stairs in his striped T-shirt and Adidas shorts.

"Let's go." He said as we walked out the door.


We walked through the forest in complete silence. The only sound was the birds singing and the whish of the leaves above as the cool summer breeze blew through them. There was no particular for us to follow so we were just roaming around.

"Let's make this interesting," Russia said suddenly, "You wanna race? From here to that big oak tree on the other side of the clearing."

"Sure, just know that I'm gonna beat you!" I yelled immediately charging off into the direction of the large oak.

"Hey! Я никогда не говорил, иди!" (I never said go!) Russia shouted dashing after me. The tree was a lot further than I thought but I kept running, determined not to lose! Just as I thought I had won Rus suddenly dashed in front of me which startled me so much that I tripped over my own feet and fell. My face hit the leaf-covered floor and I tumbled a bit as the rest of my body hit the ground. Russia turned and raced back towards me. "Ame! Are you hurt?!" He asked attempting to help me to my feet.

"No no I'm fine," I said, still panting.

"We should rest somewhere..." Russia glanced around, "There's a log over there where we can sit down," He ushered me toward the log.

"Rus I'm fine!" I snickered.

"You should sit down anyway..." I just went along with it. I sat down on the log and looked over at Russia who wasn't sitting.

"Aren't you going to sit down? That run was rather far..."

"Нет, I'm good," He stood at the end of the log then glanced downward. I saw him constantly placing his foot on the same spot in the ground. "That's weird..." He mumbled.

"What's weird?"

"The ground feels loose here... like it's been dug up." I jumped up immediately.

"Oh, do you think there's buried treasure?!" I asked excitedly.

Rus just shot me an annoyed glare, "You watched Pirates Of The Caribbean one time! ONE time! And now you think there's buried treasure everywhere..." He said with his arms crossed.

"Well ya never know! Let's dig it up and see what we find!" I got up and started to dig around the spot where Russia was standing. "You gonna help?" I asked. Rus rolled his eyes then started digging as well. Not long after a putrid smell came from under the leaves, me and Rus practically jumped back.

"The heck?!" Russia said covering his nose with his shirt. "What the heck is that smell?!"

"It smells like rotting meat..." I snarled in disgust. "Probably some buried animal or something!"

"Why is it buried so deep though?" Russia asked. I shrugged,

"Who cares! Let's just get out of here." I got up and started to walk away.

"Go ahead, Imma see what's buried here..." Russia continued to dig. I kept walking but I moved slowly, I didn't want to leave Russia too far behind. After about five minutes later there was a loud yell from behind me, it was Russia! I bolted back from where I came and saw Russia frozen over the spot he had dug up. "Rus! What happened!?" I asked. Russia's face showed pure horror as he was glaring down at the hole. I looked down and my heart almost stopped... sticking out of the hole... was an arm... a human arm... with the rest of the person's body attached to it... 

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