Chapter 34- Philip

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Sorry this kind of short, especially for the amount of time it took to finish it but I hope y'all enjoy! UwU

(Poland's POV)

I got a call from Russia again, he won't leave alone about this whole, who killed Germany thing. I'm honestly getting annoyed, he really thinks it was Jamaica and Netherlands but didn't believe it for a second. I didn't know them too well but I knew that they would never do something so cruel. I purposely hung up the phone on him, I didn't want to hear anything else he had to say. My phone then dinged from a text message... from Russia... I read "Poland, call me back when you can. It's very important." I rolled my eyes. I just decided to call him back, I knew he wouldn't stop bothering me until I did.

"What is it Russia?" I asked sounding rather annoyed.

"Look, I know you're probably tired of me telling you that Jamaica and Netherlands killed Germany but it's true!" Russia explained.

At this point I was fed up, "You're right I am tired of you constantly bringing this up to me! Listen, it's not them! I just-" Russia cut me off,

"No, It really is! America talked to them and confessed everything! The whole conversation was recorded and know they're in prison." I didn't respond... It... it really was them... but... why... why would they do something like that? That wasn't like them at all! "Poland are you still there?" Russia's question snapped me from my thoughts.

"Uh yeah... could you... send me the recording. Ya know... just so I can be sure..." I said, my tone was dead of any emotion. When he sent me the recording I hung up and began to listen to it. At first, it just seemed like a normal conversation. They were talking about Australia and how much they missed him but then America brought up Germany. I listened a bit longer until the words "We were the ones that murdered Germany" were spoken. I stopped the recording right then and nearly dropped my phone. R-Russia... was right... they did kill him... I clenched my hand into a fist as the fury rose inside me. I wanted to beat them up and stab them to death and see how they like it! I then let myself relax, Russia had told me they were in prison... they've gotten their punishment. So finally... I can be at peace with Germany's death...

(Time skip America's POV)

I had felt horrible all day... What in the world was I thinking? I should have known Russia couldn't afford those glasses for me. I shouldn't have just followed along with this plan, Jamaica and Netherlands on;y did what they had for Australia and... me... They did this to help make me feel better, to help my family feel better. They knew how much pain Germany brought my family and they wanted to get rid of him so we could feel less pain... Even though what they did was wrong I could never bring myself to hate them.

"I need to go on a walk to clear my mind..." I said to myself as I got out of bed and walked down the stairs. "Ruski I'm going on a walk, I'll be back in a bit!" I called as I reached the front door.

"Ладно!" (Okay!) Russia called back from his room. "And don't call me that!" I chuckled as I closed the door behind me, Rus was really fun to mess with. I began to walk down the sidewalk, the summer sun beaming down on me. The rest of the week was supposed to be like this, maybe me and Russia could go to the beach sometime. As I walked a girl about my age, maybe younger jogged by. She gave me a smile and waved and I simply waved back. As I began to look away I noticed her foot catch on a rather large crack in the sideway and she began to fall forwards. I quickly reached out and grabbed the back of her T-shirt, pulling her upright.

"Are you alright?"

She looked up at me with her bright yellow eyes, "Uh... yeah... Thank you." She replied slightly startled. I let go of her, "I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

"Huh, I don't ever remember seeing you..." I chuckled. "What's your name?"

"Philippines." She said with a smile.

"Philippines? I'm sure I've heard your name before. I'm America, nice to meet you!" I put my hand out for Philippines to shake which she did. "Philippines seems like kind of a long name... can I call you Philip for short?"

She gave me a smile brighter than the sun itself, "Sure, I'd like that."

"Well, I've got to go, maybe I'll see you around," I said beginning to walk away.

"Maybe so, goodbye America!" She turned and we both continued on in the direction of where we were heading. Philip seemed like a nice girl, maybe we could become friends eventually. With all this drama going on, I'd need one. 

OwO let's see where this friendship goes. 

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