Chapter 13- Missing

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(America's POV still)

We've been at Russia's house for about six hours now and neither me nor Canada had gotten a call from mom, dad, or Kiwi. It was about nine o'clock, and we were all getting ready for bed. Russia's house didn't have a guest bedroom so I had to sleep in Russia's room and Canada had to sleep in Kazakhstan's. I sat down on the bed while Rus was in the bathroom, at this point I was honestly scared. Not for me but mom and New Zealand, they would be with my drunk father all night. Would he try to hurt them too?!

"эй ты в порядке?" (Hey you okay?) Russia's words snapped me from my thoughtful state.

"No, not really... I'm scared for mom and Kiwi... dad may have tried them too..." That was the first time I've told the truth and said that things weren't okay...

"I'm sure they're fine. Britain wouldn't hurt them, he loves them too much..." Rus said.

"You'd think he'd love me and Canada the same... but I guess not..." I glanced toward the floor.

"Look at me..." Russia turned my head towards him, "Even if Britain doesn't love you... just know that I do, and there is nothing that can keep me from loving you..." Rus pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips against mine. I didn't dare resist, I wanted this to last forever, this close feeling to my boyfriend. I've never felt such a strong sensation of love in my entire life. This was the first time me and Russia had a serious kiss like this. If anything we would kiss each other on the forehead or cheek, but no. This one was a real kiss. We broke away from each other to breathe. I could feel myself blush uncontrollably, my heart was pounding out of my chest as well. All we could do was chuckle but I was the first one who spoke.

"Heh, did you just say that just to find a lame reason to kiss me?"

"Нет (no), I meant it. And my original plan wasn't even to kiss you..." Russia said, his face covered in blush as well. But then his eyes widened,

"What is it?" Rus didn't respond. I followed his gaze and it led to... Canada standing in the doorway! My brother had a slight grin on his face when he saw that we had noticed him.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeees... I saw that..." Maple chuckled. Me and Russia were now blushing in embarrassment, all we could do was look at each other then back to Canada. "I was just coming to say goodnight so, goodnight." Maple walked away leaving us dumbfounded.

"Well... we should go to bed, we've still got school in the morning." Russia said.


(Time skip and Russia's POV)

Me, Ame, Canada, and Ukraine were all on our way to school. Even though me and Uki were in a good mood, America and Canada weren't. France, Britain nor New Zealand had called them all night. I think that they're worried something had happened to France and Kiwi, I mean who knows what could have happened to them with Britain in that state.

"ты в порядке?" (Are you okay?) I placed my hand on America's shoulder, he jumped a bit.

"U-Uh, yeah... I guess..." He didn't even look up at me...

"I'm sure Kiwi and France are fine..." I told him but obviously, he didn't believe it, honestly, I don't know if I believed it either... we all parted ways when we entered the school.

(Third Person POV)

America's mood didn't really change throughout the day, he was too worried about France and New Zealand. He thought that Britain may have hurt them or worse. Ame had just finished his second-period class when Jamaica and Netherlands came running up to him, dragging Canada along. They used to be Australia's friends, even though they were in the grade above him and in different schools, they still managed to be friends.

"America! I can not believe you showed up here man! Since you and Nada are apparently missing!" Jamaica blurted out. Ame glances over at Canada who shrugged.

"What do you mean 'missing'?"

"Haven't you seen the news man? Apparently, you and Nada ran away and your family has been lookin' for ya!" Jamaica took out his phone and showed it to America. There was a news article from last night.

"Last night America D.C. and Canada Ottawa ran away from home earlier today. Their family has been on the lookout for them since 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The two brothers ran from their families home after they had an argument with their father and haven't been seen since." The news lady spoke. Me and Canada glanced at each other.

"Pft~! We didn't get into an argument! Dad threw a glass bottle at our heads, we had every right to run away!" Maple growled. America slightly nodded in agreement. "Why do you two care anyway?!" Canada added suddenly.

"You are Aussie's brothers so we have every right to be concerned," Netherlands said. America and Canada both rolled their eyes, they didn't want to be bothered by anyone...

"Well thanks for informing us but we've got places to be..." Ame said as Canada and he shoved their way passed the two countries. "Speaking of which, are we going home today or are we staying with Russia again?" America asked. Maple simply shrugged,

"I-I don't know, it depends on how I feel after school. I don't think dad even wants us back..." Ame nodded slowly, he knew Britain wouldn't want them to come back and if he did he would beat them severely.

Sorry, this chapter was a bit short but I hope ya'll enjoyed! UwU

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