Chapter 25- That Was Fast

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(America's POV)

I walked away from the fight furious. Russia had no right to say those things to me! He doesn't understand how I feel! He said he did but he doesn't truly understand my pain, even if he had also lost someone dear to him. Getting my revenge on Germany is the only way I could feel at peace with my brother's death. If Russia thought otherwise then so be it! I'm tired of him always telling me what I can and can't do, like he can control me! He'll come back sooner or later, Russia didn't like to be without me for too long.

"America!" Someone yelled my name from behind, at first I thought it was Russia but it wasn't his accent. I turned and saw Canada running toward me. "America are you alright!?"

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm okay... physically at least..." I told him coldly.

"No you're not! You have a black eye! And there's a gash across your cheek! I wasn't there for the whole thing, I just heard Ukraine say that You and Russia were fighting. I went after you and she went for Russia." Maple explained.

"Oh really? She cares enough to go after her brother to make sure he's okay?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"That and for the fact that she worries about you, if you get kicked out of Russia's house you'll have nowhere to go! Dad definitely doesn't want you back and sneaking you in would be out of the question! I tried to tell her that she didn't have to worry but she wouldn't drop it."

"Yes, don't worry about me, my dad kicked me out, my brother is dead and I just broke up with my boyfriend. No reason to worry..." Canada looked at me for a long moment.

"Are you alright Ame?" He asked, "Like... on the inside..." I glanced down towards the floor and sighed.

"No... I'm not... everythings just gone wrong... I barely have a family anymore and now... I lost Russia..." Maple put his hand on my shoulder.

"You haven't lost him America... I promise, me and Ukraine will help you two get back together."

"Thank you, Canada... you're the best brother anyone could ask for." 

(Time skip)

It was about two weeks later (Yes two weeks) and me and Russia still haven't gotten back together... Canada and Ukraine were trying but Ukraine said that he wouldn't leave the house to even go to school. He was so miserable that he hardly ever left his room. This only made me feel worse about the whole situation. Why did I lie to him... I just should have told him the truth.

"I'll ask Ukraine just to ask Russia if he wants to meet you at a restaurant or something... just to get straight to the point instead of trying to persuade him to leave the house for some lame excuse." Canada said.

"Good idea. Can you ask her now?" I asked.


(Ukraine's POV)

I knocked on Russia's bedroom door, Canada had told me the plan and now it was just up to me to get Russia to the restaurant.

"Russia? Can I come in?" There was no answer, "Rus?"

"Заходи..." (Come in...) My brother's voice sounded dead and empty. I opened the door, Russia was laying on his bed shirtless. face down. It seemed as if he was on his phone but it was laying next to him on the bed. I glanced down at it and there was a picture of him and America, laughing and smiling like they used to.

I sat down next to Russia, "So~ I talked to Canada and America... America wants to meet you at the Olive Garden." Rus lifted his head,

"That's my favorite restaurant... we would go there all the time... when we were... together..." He laid his head back down again. Nowadays he could turn anything I say into something about America.

"Ruski please just-" He cut me off.

"America called me Ruski too..." Russia said coldly.

I growled, "Russia! If you go you and America can get back together, everything will be normal again..." Rus lifted his head again.

"D-Does he w-want to be with me? Does he want me back?" He asked, his eyes beginning to brighten.

"Believe me when I tell you, he's been just as miserable as you are," I told him. I expected his eyes to brighten or something but he frowned again.

"Even if he's upset he probably doesn't want to be back with me... Not after all the things I said to him..." Russia sighed and put his face in his pillow. "I wouldn't want to be with me if I were him... so it's understandable..." I started to get really annoyed with him. I get that was hurting but he doesn't have to constantly be depressed.

"You'll never know if you don't try... just try Rus... America might be happy to see you. He's hurting too ya know." I said trying to keep my voice soft. At these words, Russia suddenly jumped up, put his shirt on and ran out the door. I called Canada, "Hey Maple I hope you guys are already there because Russia is running there on his own!"

"Don't worry we are, Ame thought that might happen." Canada said, his voice calm. "Just try to make sure he doesn't hurt himself!" America's voice came through the phone.

"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to him." I said hanging up the phone racing after my brother.

(Third Person POV)

America and Canada sat in the Olive Garden waiting for Russia and Ukraine to arrive.

"What am I going to say to him?" America asked suddenly. Canada was almost unprepared for the question.

"Uh... I don't know... what would you say to someone you haven't seen in two weeks?" Maple asked. America groaned slightly,

"I don't know! That's why I asked you!" His tone was filled with annoyance this time. "I just hope he-"

"America!" Ame froze, Russia's voice filled his ears making him blush immediately. America turned towards the Russian who was standing on the other side of the restaurant. His heart beat faster has he stood up, he began to shiver in fear. 'Wh-What is he going to say to me?' he thought. Without warning Russia ran towards America, wrapping his arms around him, almost knocking him over.

"АМЕРИКА! I- I'M SO SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID TO YOU! I DIDN'T MEAN ANY OF IT! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE! BEING WITHOUT YOU IS LIKE BEING SLICED OPEN EVERYDAY AND BLEEDING OUT ON THE GROUND!" Russia yelled, balling his eyes out. He then let go of America and placed his hands on the American's shoulders, looking at him with eyes full of sorrow. "I'm the worst boyfriend ever if I let something as simple as you wanting your revenge break us up... I don't ask for your forgiveness just know that I didn't mean the words I said." Russia gently pressed his lips against America's who was still a bit stunned. Rus turned and walked away, with several eyes following him. America shook his head to clear it and grabbed Russia's arm.

"I... I didn't mean what I said either... honestly, my actions were so immature of me. Mentioning those past events wasn't right and I shouldn't have lied to you again. I'd be lucky if you even trust me after the stunt I pulled..." Ame wrapped his arms around Russia's waist who \was still facing the opposite direction.

Rus turned around to look at America, "Of course I still trust you. We all make mistakes and you had a good reason somewhat."

"So we're good?" Ame asked. Russia nodded pulling him into another hug, his face dusted with blush.

"My life would be nothing without you... You are the light of my life..." He whispered.

"You act like you don't have siblings!" Ukraine's voice sounded from behind them. Russia chuckled walking over to his sister,

"Of course I do. How could I ignore such a great sister like you?" He pulled Ukraine into a hug as well. She tried to push her brother away.

"Hey, Hey! You know I don't like hugs Russia!" Ukraine snarled.

"Don't be like that Uki! It's thanks to you and Canada that we're back together!" Russia tightened his hug as Ukraine continued to try to break free. "Now let's forget any of this happened..."

If y'all are wondering about the death scene thing there will be an update on that in the next chapter which will be published tomorrow. OwU

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