Chapter 17- Stressful

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(Germany's POV)

Russia hasn't shown up to school all week... even though he doesn't wanna be with me anymore, I still care about him. America has also seemed depressed lately. Poland came running up to me, she looked panicked.

"Germany did you here? Russia's in a coma because Japan apparently sliced his throat open with a knife! Ukraine won't stop talking about it!" My heart dropped. I know Russia hates me but I still loved him! Not as much as I did but I still care!

"W-When did this happen?" I asked stuttering a little bit.

"Last Friday during lunch... apparently, America was there for the whole thing!" Poland replied. 'Of course he was there...' I thought rolling my eyes. "I wanna ask America what happened! Maybe he can clear up some of my questions..." Poland added. She was apart of the student council so I'm sure she has to make some sort of report on it.

"I wouldn't ask him if I were you..." Poland tipped her head slightly puzzled. "I've seen America when he's upset. He snaps at anyone who tried to speak to him." My voice was calmer than I wanted it to be.

"But I need to make a student council report on this!" 'told ya' "And besides, if I bug him long enough he'll answer my questions." Poland has never been afraid of America after WWII when he helped save her from my father.

"Hey, it's your funeral..." I told her shrugging my shoulders. Poland rolled her eyes and walked past me.

"See later Germy!" She called over her shoulder. That was a cute nickname she gave me and every time she said it, it made me blush. Honestly, I think I was beginning to like Poland... maybe even more than a friend. This time I didn't shake the thought away, I took it into consideration. Russia didn't love me, far from it actually. I knew Poland did though, anyone would say that I was blind if I didn't notice.

(Poland's POV)

I found America at lunch and when up to him. As I approached, America shot me an angered glare.

"Do you need something or are you just trying to waste my time?" He wasn't yelling but his voice was stern.

"I was just wondering if I could ask some questions about what happened to Russia..." I kept my tone calm and sweet.

"No! I don't want to hear anything else about it! Ask Ukraine, she'll answer your questions!"

"Ukraine told me that she doesn't know the whole story. She said to ask you if I wanted to know more." America just rolled his eyes and snarled.

"Well, I ain't helpin' ya sister!" He turned his head away from me.

"Please America, I just want to ask you a few questions-" He cut me off.

"I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" America slammed his fists down on the table and shot up. His eyes were blazing with anger. I didn't budge though, to be honest, I saw this coming.

"All I want to know is how this happened and what caused it!" I began to raise my voice as well. At this point pretty much the whole cafeteria was staring at us. I didn't care and America didn't seem to either.

"I told you already... I don't want to talk!" The American's tone suddenly turned into a deep growl. "Now leave me alone before I put you in a hospital bed!" He then stormed out of the lunchroom leaving me standing there. I huffed slightly and left as well. I couldn't understand why he was so defensive about the topic... I knew America and Russia were close friends but I didn't know why America was that upset about it.

(Third Person POV)

After America had stormed out of the cafeteria, kids began talking again. Iceland and Canada were among them.

"Hvað er að honum?" (What's up with him?) Iceland tipped his head to the side slightly.

"It's too complicated to explain..." Canada replied rubbing the back of his neck.

"Geturðu sagt mér það samt?" (Can you tell me anyway?) Canada shook his head.

"I told Ame that I wouldn't tell anyone..."

"Koma á, vinsamlegast~" (Come on, please~) Iceland put on a slight grin.

"No way! Asking you to keep a secret is like giving a hungry dog steak and telling it not to eat it," The Canadian rolled his eyes, elbowing his friend in the ribs.

"Ég lofa að segja ekki frá!" (I promise not to tell!) Iceland continued to plead.

"No, Isaac!" Maple's tone turned sharp as he shot Iceland a frustrated glare. "Sorry, it's just... I don't want another problem with America right now. We just got over a conflict about the same matter and I don't wish to have another one." Iceland nodded in understanding as he looked in the direction America went.

(Time Skip)

America pounded on the door of the bathroom stall, his face almost red with anger.

"W-Why are things so stressful right now!? Can't something just go the way I want it for once!?" He shouted. He then paused to think. "None of this would've happened if I wouldn't have let myself get beat up that day... Russia would have never had to save me, therefore we would have never been in our relationship and he wouldn't be in a coma! My life is so stressful... I just want one thing good to happen right now-" America's ranting was cut off by his phone ringing. It was the hospital, he picked up immediately. "H-Hello?"

"Mr. America it's about Russia he-"

"What is it? Is he alright?! What happened!?" America's frantic voice interrupted what the doctor had to say.

"That's what I was going to tell you, Mr. America. He just woke up this morning, I was wondering if you wanted to see him?"

"I'll be there in five minutes!" Ame said just as the doctor had finished. He hung up and left the bathroom, trying to find a way out of the school without being spotted. He snuck out of the back of the school through a glass door and sprinted his way to the hospital. He could have sworn he heard someone yelling to him but he didn't even look back. He was too laser-focused on getting to the one he loved most to care if he got in trouble now.

(Another time skip XD)

America was out of breath by the time he reached the hospital. He didn't wait for anyone to tell him if he could go or not he just went straight up to Russia's room. As he reached for the doorknob his heart began to beat faster and faster. He turned the knob and stepped into the room and his eyes lit up when he saw Russia sitting up in bed. The Russian's royal blue eyes shone with excitement when he saw America come into the room. Ame froze, it felt as if he were going to collapse.

"Сслабиться (Relax) America. I'm alright now don't worry" Rus smiled sweetly at America who was still trying to keep himself together. He couldn't for much longer. The American dashed over to Russia, wrapping his arms around him and tears falling down his cheeks.

"DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE COMMIE! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" Ame held onto Russia, not wanting to let go.

"Ugh! Not so hard Ame, I just woke up you know!" Russia patted America's back telling the American to get off. Ame backed away from Russia,

"I-I'm sorry it's just..." America couldn't even think about what to say next. He hadn't truly spoken to Russia in the past week. "I missed you Russia... it was torcher every second I was away from you... I... I love you... I don't think I've ever told you that to your face..."

"я тоже тебя люблю..." (I love you too) Russia brought America's face closer and kissed him gently kissed him on the cheek. "And don't forget it." 


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