Chapter 18- Sibling Conflict

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Sorry this chapters a little short I haven't had the chance to add much more to it. I hope you guys enjoy though! :3

(Russia's POV)

It's been about a week or two since I woke up. The doctors said that I had to stay in the hospital for a while longer to make sure that my body was physically healthy for the fact that I was laying still for a good week. It seemed like America was at the hospital with me the entire time. I didn't want him to though, every time he came home late I think Britain beat him or something. I told him not to but he said,

"I'm fine Rus! I'd risk my own life to make you happy!"

 is cute and everything but I think he loves me a little too much... After a few more days I finally got to go home to my siblings. Although Belarus and Kazakhstan visited me several times; Ukraine never came by once and when I asked the topic was changed. When I opened the door someone threw themselves onto me. I didn't recognize them so I took a step back.

"Pardon me but... do I know you?" I tipped my head. The country in front of me was stripped blue, black and white... not I pattern I knew...

"Oh come on Rus... I know it's been a while but I'd expect you to remember your own sister!" The country said with a smile. Suddenly it hit me. I had several siblings, some I see more than others, but this particular one I haven't seen since dad died. 20 years ago maybe longer...

"Estonia?" I asked my jaw hitting the floor. She nodded and with that I picked her up off the floor and gave her the biggest hug. "It's been such a long time! как твои дела?" (How have you been?)

"I've been fine, but forget about me... how are you feeling? I heard you were in the hospital for some time." I put Estonia down and we sat down on the couch to talk.

"I was... for maybe three weeks. I was in a coma but I'll spare you the details of how I got in that situation-"

"Answer my question!" Estonia chuckled, "How are you feeling? You know since... dad... I know you took his death the hardest..." Her voice trailed off at the end.

"I miss him... like I'm sure we all do but I've managed to find happiness somewhere else," I tried to sound as upbeat as possible. "Speaking of all of us, how is everyone else?"

"Well right now I live with Latvia and Lithuania, they're doing fine and I see everyone else from time to time," Estonia explained. It was clear that she enjoyed talking to me after so long.

"Oh and by the way, where's Ukraine? I haven't seen her in weeks..." I asked.

"I was speaking with her shortly before you arrived, but she went up to her room for some reason..." My sister shrugged, glancing up to Ukraine's bedroom.

"Well you make yourself at home and I'll go see if she's alright..." I said getting up and walking up the stairs. I knocked on Uki's bedroom door, "Ukraine are you in there?" The door opened immediately.

"Oh, Russia I didn't know you came home..." Her voice seemed frustrated or angry.

"С тобой все в порядке?" (Are you okay?) I asked. Ukraine ushered me inside and we sat down on her bed. I glanced over at her and her expression looked angry. She then shot up and slapped me across the face. "Oi! What was that for?!" I shouted holding my burning cheek.

"ЧОМУ Ви не сказали мені?! (WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!) Ukraine yelled.

"T-Tell you what?! And why is it so important?!"

"You never told me that you had a boyfriend! America to be exact!" Uki crossed her arms in a sassy way.

"H-How did you find out!?" I asked somewhat nervous of what she would say next. "Is that a problem?" I challenged.

"Well it wouldn't be if you had told me! You know I hate it when people keep secrets from me!" Ukraine growled. It looked as if she wanted to slap me again.

"I'm sorry for not telling you but I-"

"I'M YOUR SISTER! YOU NEED TO TELL ME THESE THINGS!" Uki cut me off and grabbed me by my shirt. She then pushed me out of the room and slammed the door behind me. Kazakhstan and Belarus walk passed me at that point.

"What was that all about?" Kazakhstan asked, "You've just come home from the hospital and you're already being yelled at..."

"Was she that upset about you dating America?" Bel tipped her head slightly. I sighed and nodded, this was the last thing I needed ... conflict with my sister and I have a good feeling that this time she won't forgive me. 

Do you guys think I could make a countrycats story? I put some thought into it and I was wondering if I was thinking I could do one if ya'll want. Just comment if you want some countrycats and I'll do it for you. UwO

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