Chapter 23- Sweet Sweet Revenge

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It's a pretty long chapter so I hope y'all like it UwO

(Russia's POV still)

Me, America, Belarus and Kazakhstan had returned home but I hadn't heard from or seen Ukraine since last night. To be honest, by the time 10 o'clock rolled around I was worried sick about her. Everyone else had gone to bed. Ukraine wouldn't answer her phone and I was afraid something had happened! Just as I was about to go search for her, Ukraine walked through the front door.

"Ukraine! Where were you!? You had me worried sick!" I shouted, grabbing the sides of her arms. She pulled away from me,

"I was with Canada. What you're allowed to be in a relationship and I'm not?" Ukraine replied, there was a strong sense of annoyance in her tone.

"Y-You are it's just... tell me when you're going to be home late..."

"You come home after midnight some nights..." Ukraine snickered.

"Yes but... what were you even doing for so long?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Uh. Th-That's none for your business!" Ukraine snapped. I jumped at her sudden sharp tone.

"Uh... Alright then... Well, it's getting late and I'm tired so доброй ночи" (goodnight) I told her as I walked up the stairs. That was weird... usually, Ukraine was rather open to where she was going or what she was doing but... recently she hasn't been her usual self. I wish she would just forgive me, I know I kept my secret from her and all but she's been angry at me for a few weeks now. We can't live like this forever...

(TIME SKIP XD Third-Person POV)

About 2 months had passed since then and America still hadn't spoken to Britain, and he's tried. He's called, texted and even tried going over to the house but Britain did not want to speak with his son.

"I thought he would have cooled down by now... but I guess he's still ashamed of me..." America sighed. He sat down on the still-wet grass, "I just wish you were still here... maybe things would be different. If I ever see Germany anywhere outside of school I will make his life a living nightmare!" His eyes blazed with rage for a moment then softened. "Sorry about that Aussie... I just can't stand what he did to you... our family. I try not to think about it but I just can't get it off my mind... I'll probably be back tomorrow Aussie, bye..." America got up leaving a flower where he had sat. He walked back to Russia's house. When he got there Russia was sitting on the couch watching something on the T.V.

"Let me guess... you went back to the cemetery didn't you?" The Russian asked without turning to look at Ame.

"I had to okay? Now that it seems my father hates me I miss Australia more and more! One of these days I'm going to get my revenge! Germany did more than just kill my brother... He tore my family apart!" America's voice rose as he spoke.

"Америка you can't do this. Two wrongs don't make a right and if you get your revenge on Germany it'll make you no better than he is. He punished you because of rage and revenge and you'd be punishing him for the same reason. You can't just-"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!" America snapped, "I'VE FOUGHT IN MORE WARS THEN YOU COULD IMAGINE! SO DON'T YOU TELL ME THAT I CAN'T GET MY REVENGE ON SOMEONE!" He ran out the front door he pulled his phone from his pocket and called New Zealand.

"Hi Ame!" She said with her sweet voice.

"New Zealand... do you want to avenge Australia? Before you say yes just know that you might have to things utterly cruel and if it's necessary you may have to kill someone..." America told her. He's tone was serious and he had slowed his sprint into a steady jog. New Zealand didn't respond for what seemed like hours.

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