Chapter 30- We Might Have A Suspect

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Sorry this chapter is kinda short but I hope y'all enjoy it! UwO

(Third Person POV)

Even though America had told him to get some rest Russia could barely close his eyes, he had so many thoughts going through his mind. 'He's dead? How can that be? Who killed him? Why did they kill him? Was America really telling the truth?' Those were just a handful of questions out of the ocean of them. America had told Russia that he didn't kill Germany but Rus didn't truly believe him. Ame had lied to him before... who says he wouldn't do it again. Russia turned to lay on his back and he stared up at the ceiling. 'God my life is crazy...' Russia thought with a sigh. 'My dad is gone... My boyfriend lives with me and my three siblings... now this? I guess my life isn't nearly as bad as America's... A lot has happened to him, even before I met him he's had some problems with life... yet... he keeps going... unlike me Ame continues on... After my father's death I was scarred for years. But after America lost Australia... he missed him but he kept his head high and looked on the bright side of things. Even when Britain kicked him out and when we broke up for a short time he managed to get through it... And here I am laying here in my bed, distraught about some guy that I didn't really even care about... жалкий (Pathetic)... but, that doesn't mean that I don't at least want to know who did this. I still want to know who killed Germany even if it's the last thing I do!' Russia got up to get America who was sitting on the couch. When Ame saw him approaching he shot up,

"Ruski, you were supposed to be resting!" He said in a worried tone. He was about to say something else when Russia snapped at him,

"Hold your breath! I'm not going back to bed!" America seemed startled by Russia's sudden harsh tone. 'I don't want to come off as angry to him but I need Ame to know that I'm taking this seriously!' Rus thought, biting his lip as he tried not to apologize. "I can't just lay around and feel pity for myself! I'm going to find out who did this, one way or another!" It took America a while to process before he responded.

"As much as I want to help you Rus, what can we really do? I mean, it literally could be anybody! We don't even know if they knew Germany or not, or if they just killed someone just to kill them..." America said, keeping his voice calm but stern. Russia realized that he might have a point... they could just be going on a blind search with no results. They need some sort of evidence... So then they have an idea of who they're looking for.

"Let's go back to the place we found him... there might be some kind of clue there." Russia suggested.

Ame shook his head, "The police alright checked that whole area and found nothing."

"Let's look anyway! The police may have missed something or... ugh! I don't know! I'm going back, you don't have to come if you don't want to!" Russia turned and practically ran out the door.

"W-Wait! Russia I'm coming!" America shouted, dashing after him.

(Time Skip America's POV)

I followed Russia through the woods, I didn't even remember the way back and I'm not even sure if he is sure where he's going. Nevertheless, I just followed, Rus seemed very determined to find out what happened to Germany. Eventually we got to the spot where we found the body. The whole area was surrounded with police tape.

"Maybe we should go-" I reached for Russia's arm but he immediately pulled away. He then walked up to the police tape and... HE FREAKING STEPPED OVER IT! "Russia! You can't go over there!"

"There's no one hear so we're fine." Russia snarled over his shoulder. I gritted my teeth, trying not to argue. I glanced around briefly before following. I had no idea what we would find... If we found anything at all! Heck! I don't even know what we're looking for.

"If we get caught Russia, you're going to be the one buried in the woods..." I whispered.

"Вы что-то сказали?" (Did you say something?) Rus asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"No..." Russia shrugged then turned back around. He went over to the hole where Germany was found, it still wreaked of rotting flesh. A smell that I'll now never forget. I stood out of range so I couldn't smell it but Russia didn't seem to care. After a bit he got up and wandered around the area a bit more before stepping back over the police tape and going deeper into the forest.

"Russia! Will you slow down!? Where are you even going?!" I asked running after him.

Rus turned around and stared me dead in the eye. "I told you... I'm looking for evidence of the person that killed Germany!" He turned around then it seemed as if he spotted something because he dashed off in another direction. 'Where is he going now?!' I asked myself. I just followed him once again because clearly he's forgotten that I'm even here. When I reached him, Russia was crouched down near a tree holding what looked like a cigarette butt...

"What's that?" I asked, just to be sure. Russia took a quick whiff of it before answering.

"A cigarette butt... Though... this smells like marijuana..." Rus paused for a moment before standing up, "I've got an idea who it might be... but I have to be sure before I jump to conclusions."

I tilted my head slightly, "Who?" I asked. Russia glanced over at me, but only for a moment before looking down again,

"I can't tell you until I'm sure..."

"Uh... okay?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Honestly, I didn't care who killed Germany, I only came with Russia because I didn't want to be left in the house alone. "Well, let's just go home. I skipped breakfast this morning, now I realize that was a bad idea... Wanna go get something to eat?"

Russia sighed then nodded, "I'll talk to you about it later..." I simply shrugged in response and with that we left the forest, hopefully, to never come back. 

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