Chapter 2- My New Best Friend

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!Warning! This chapter has abuse and blood in it... so keep reading if you're not bothered by this :P. Hope you guys enjoy!

(America's POV)

My heart dropped, standing in front of me was North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and China. "Oh... h-hey guys..." I said nervously. They each had a terrifying grin on their faces, it sent a shiver down my spine. I had never done anything to them... well except for Japan, but World War 2 was a long time ago. "I-I was just g-going to class..." I tried to walk away but South stopped me. "Please... I really need to get to class..."

"Does it look like I care?" North scoffed, he kicked me to the ground. I hit the tile floor with a thud, I was weak emotionally, I could have beat them up easily but in my depressed state, I had no energy. I looked up to see Japan standing over me, she snickered holding my chin up.

"Oh America-san... you're so pathetic!" She took her hand away and without warning punched me hard in the jaw. I fell to my side, stupid cat almost knocked me out! Just as I tried to get up the group of them continued to punch and kick me. I tried not to show that it hurt me... but it did, I just couldn't show them that they were actually hurting me. I expected them to stop after a little bit, but they just kept going. My lip was busted and my nose was bleeding, blood was getting all over the floor. At this point, my whole body ached, I couldn't do anything else except take it. Suddenly they stopped, through the throbbing of my head I heard China yell,

"RUN!!!" I could hear their footsteps disappearing down the hallway. Before I knew it I could feel someone carrying me, I felt their muscles tensed under my weight. 'It must be one of my teachers..." I thought. I tried to open my eyes but it felt like every simple movement caused more and more pain. I must have passed out for when I woke up it seemed like I was laying on one of the beds in the nurse's office. My arms felt like they had been bandaged up and it seemed like my nose had a bandage on it as well. I tried to sit up back someone forced me back down.

"Сслабиться (relax) You gave to lay here... You've been hurt very badly..." The voice was stern and deep, but he spoke Russian. The thought of who it might be made me blush. I've had a crush on this one country for the longest time and he hadn't noticed me until now I guess. I opened my eyes, and it was him! Russia was sitting on a chair next to me, his gaze was soft and he still had his hands on my shoulders. I laid back down, I could feel my face turning red with blush and at this rate, there was no way I could stop. I was shivering with fear, the whole thing scared me more than I thought. "It's okay... I chased those jerks away... I needed to make sure you were alright so I stayed here..." Russia smiled at me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Around 5th period..." Rus shrugged. I then felt I owed him something.

"And you've been here the whole time?!" He nodded, "I'm sorry... I must be causing a lot of problems for you..." I muttered, I could tell that Russia saw my blush but he just ignored it.

"It's fine really... Ой! Я никогда не узнал твоего имени," (Oh! I never caught your name,) I hesitated, 'will he remember me from the war?'

"My name is A-America..." I practically whispered the words but Russia heard. I could see his expression change,

"Y-You mean... A-America from the C-Cold War," He stuttered out. I lowered my gaze, the Russain took this as a yes. He looked almost guilty and sad, "Sorry about that whole thing my father was so reckless..." I could tell that he didn't mean 100% of what he said. During the Cold War Ussr (Russia's father) was killed, and I know perfectly well Rus misses him.

"Don't blame him... it was all partially my fault," I said looking up at him. Despite that, we talked for a good while about our different hobbies and other things like that. It was only when the final bell rang we realize how long we had been there. I got up to leave, I felt better, not completely healed but better. Russia grabbed my shirt, pulling me back over to him. He handed me a piece of paper,

"Let's be friends!" He said with a smile, I nodded back and left the room. I knew we were only friends but there was something inside me that was saying that I wanted to be more than just friends. And I'm hoping that Russia feels the same way.

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