Chapter 6- They're Back!

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psst... I was feeling extra happy today so guess what? You guys get another chapter! "Two in one day!?" IKR!? I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter! And Happy Holidays to you all Uw0

(America's POV)

Three days later it was finally Friday! I had finished up all my classes and was at my locker when someone grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me to the ground. I hit the tile floor hard,

"What the heck is wrong with you-" My heart dropped. North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and China were all standing before me. "W-What are you guys doing h-here!?" I asked stumbling over my words.

"We're back from suspension dumbnut!" China snarled. Each of them had pure hatred in their eyes. Without another word, North Korea grabbed me by the neck and shoved me against the lockers. He was holding my throat so hard that he was choking me.

"S-S-Stop..." I managed to say through desperate gasping.

"No! You're getting what you deserve!" With his other hand, North punched me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. He let go of my throat and I fell to the ground still gasping for air.

"W-What did I ever do to you!?" I shouted, none of them said a word. With the little bit of strength I had left I got up and ran, don't know where I just ran. But I was weak with pain and didn't get far before South tackled me.

"Що ви хлопці робите?" (What are you guys doing?) An unfamiliar voice came from behind us. I strained my neck to see Ukraine, "America? Hey, what are you doing to him!?" She ran over to where South Korea held me down and pushed South off of me. Ukraine helped me up, putting my arm around her to help me stand.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Japan stormed over to us, she drew her arm back ready to punch Ukraine.

"I am Russia's sister... you hurt me and he'll most likely kill you... ya sure you wanna risk it?" Was she... taunting them?! H-How is she so confident?

"Tch! Fine! Don't think that we're done with you yet America!" North Korea scoffed before him and the rest of the group walked off.

"Rus is gonna be ticked when he hears what happened..." Ukraine said, "He won't shut up about you sometimes... Can you walk?" I tried standing on my own but I nearly fell. Uki then helped me get to the front of the school were Russia waited.

"Ukraine there you are! I've been waiting for-" Russia stopped as he saw us approaching, "Какого черта случилось?!" (What the heck happened!?) He ran over to us. A small stream of blood flowed from the side of my mouth and my neck was bruised.

"North and the others attacked him... thank god I was there..." Ukraine looked upset, "It was pretty bad..."

"Well no dip! It looks like they tried to kill you!" Russia held my chin up with his hand, his eyes widened when he saw my neck, "D-Did they choke you?!"

"North did... they were angry about getting suspended..." I replied.

"Does your dad know about this?!" Russia seemed desperate for an answer I couldn't give him. I glanced down which Rus took as a no, "Ame you have to tell him..."

"No... he'll only make things worse..." I told him, I didn't want to meet his gaze.

"You're coming back to our house, Belarus can heal you up." Ukraine butted in. I was still using her as support to stand. "Can you walk on your own?" She asked. I let go of her trying to stand up straight. I started falling but Russia caught me this time, he carried me bridal style out of the school.


When we arrived at Russia's house Belarus and Kazakhstan seemed to be waiting for us.

"Oh my! What happen9ed?" Bel asked running over to us.

"North Korea and the others attacked him..." Russia replied before I could speak. "As you can see, it was pretty bad..."

"Прывядзі яго ўнутр! Хутка!" (Bring him inside! Quickly!) Bel ushered us all inside. Russia sat me down on the couch, Belarus examining my neck.

"Is he going to be alright?! Do you need me to get something!? He'll be okay right?!" Rus was right at Belaurs's shoulder asking her questions.

"Hush!" She snapped, "I can't help him if you're distracting me! Now all of you, leave so I can concentrate!" Kazakhstan and Ukraine left the room, and Russia reluctantly did as well. Belarus left to go get something, when she back she had this jar of ointment. She sat down beside me, held my chin up and began to rub the stuff on my neck. I winced a little bit, my neck was still sore. "I know it hurts but this will make it feel better..." Bel told me. 'I'm not a child!' I thought.

"So you like Russia?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah, he's a great friend," I replied, almost unprepared for the question. Belarus shook her head,

"Not like that..."

"Then like what?" I glanced over at her puzzled.

"Y'know... Do you... like like him?" I could feel my face turn red.

"Wh-What!? N-No! Not like that! We're just good f-friends!" I tried to look serious but Bel didn't seem to be convinced.

"He talks about you all the time. Rus never says it but it's obvious that he likes you more than 'Just a friend'..."

"W-Well we're not! We're just friends!" The words stung like needles in my throat. I did like Russia but... I didn't think that he liked me back! Belarus rolled her eyes, she clearly didn't believe me.

"You say what you like... but just know that I'm not judging you, I understand why you probably do like Russia..." She added before closing the lid of the jar of ointment. Rus peeked his head around the corner,

"Are you done yet? Is he alright?"

"Yes, and he's fine..." Bel replied. Russia came running over to me and gave me a big hug, picking me off the ground.

"I was so worried that you wouldn't be okay!"

"I'm fine Rus! It would be nice if you put me down though..." I struggled to say. He put me down and walked me to the door. "You... wanna come to my place? I still wanna play Minecraft with you!"

"Да," (Yes). 

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