Chapter 20- An Exposed Relationship

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(Kazakhstan's POV)

Russia came home much earlier than usual, he would usually hang out with America until after dark but today he was here not even 30 minutes after his school got out.

"Are you alright? You're home way earlier than normal..." My older brother looked upset as well.

"Yeah... I'm just tired..." His voice was dead of any emotion.

"What about America? You said you two were going out today." Belarus tipped her head slightly.

"W-We were supposed to but... America was feeling upset so I didn't bother..." Rus shrugged his shoulders, clearly trying to avoid eye contact with us. He loved America a lot and I knew that Ame being upset broke Russia's heart. Before we could say anything else Russia went up to his room slamming the door shut. I gave Bel a confused look and she shrugged, Rus was becoming more and more of a mystery. Before he met America we were all really close but when the American came into his life Russia was never home and when he was he paid us no mind. Rus loves us I know he does but he's never around to show it....

(Time Skip, Russia's POV)

It was finally Friday, yesterday was rough... Ame still hadn't spoken to me after Germany told him that he killed Ame's brother, but hopefully today he's feeling a little bit better. I found him sitting alone at lunch and sat down next to him.

"Привет Аме... are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, I just needed some time to think," America said with a smile. I let out a long sigh of relief, 'He's fine Russia, just relax' I said to myself. "By the way do you wanna come over to my house after school?" Ame added.

"Of course! Hopefully, your dad's in a good mood..."

"He'll suck it up!" America chuckled. We talked for the rest of lunch until it ended.

(Time Skip again)

When me and Ame opened the door France was there to greet us, a large smile on her face.

"Russia chère! It's been a while since I've seen you! How have you been?"

"Fine, I've just come over to hang out Ameri-" Ame cut me off suddenly.

"Actually, mom can I call a family meeting? Russia you should stay, there's something I want you to hear..." His tone was very serious, what was it he had to say? France nodded and we all went inside, me and Ame sat down on the couch.

"Britain, Maple, Kiwi, come downstairs!" She called. France used to call Britain "Honey" or "dear" but now she just calls him by his name... what has Germany done to this family?

"Whatever it is make it quick I have things to do..." Britain growled practically stumbling down the stairs, Canada and New Zealand following behind him. Canada glanced over at me,

"Uh... if this is a family meeting then I may need to address... The elephant in the room..." Maple tilted his head toward me slightly.

"I know Canada, I'm finally going to tell them..." Ame whispered just loud enough for Britain to hear.
"Tell us what?" He asked almost in a demanding way. Canada and New Zealand exchanged nervous glances as if they knew something I didn't...

"Mom... Dad... there's something I've been meaning to tell you... It's been something that I should have told you a long time ago..." Ame explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Just... try not to get too upset about it..." I was still confused about what he was trying to say. Without any form of warning, America grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward, pressing his lips against mine. I pushed him away, I would kiss America any day but not now! Not in front of his whole family!


"Russia don't say anything... this who I am dad! And if you can't accept that then... then... I don't wanna live here anymore!" Ame glared his father straight in the eye. Britain didn't respond at first but then he stormed up to America raising his hand up to slap him. I shot up and grabbed Britain's wrist, he then turned his attention to me.

"Tch! How could I have ended up with a son like you?!" He spat turning to America now, "I always thought I did... a decent job of raising you... I suppose I was wrong... Both of you get out of here now! America... I don't want to see your face ever again!" Britain gestured to the door and with that, me and America left his house, most likely never to return. 

Wooo it's finally done! :D Sorry it was so short tho... But I hope ya'll enjoyed it. 

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