The Hobbits brandish their short-swords. Gimli leaps atop Balin's tomb and brandishes his axe. "Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath" Gimli tells us. Creatures begin breaking the doors down. Weapons crash through splintering spaces.

Creatures begin breaking the doors down. Weapons crash through splintering spaces. Legolas and Aragorn stand poised, ready to shoot their arrows. The first clear gap is gashed in the door and Legolas shoots — a shrill cry rings out. The Elf notches an arrow to his bow as Aragorn shoots another.

"Stay back young ones" I tell the hobbits as I spin my sword standing beside Gandalf. Suddenly, the beasts break through and the battle begins. A wave of armor-clad Orcs charge towards the Fellowship, who engage the Orcs. Aragorn and Legolas pierce Orcs with their arrows while Boromir smashes another with his sword; Gimli catches one in the stomach.

Gandalf and I join the fight. The hobbits following close behind their swords drawn. I aim only to disarm as I can't risk killing. But as more orcs enter the room with the cave troll. I have no choice but to start killing. Ensuring they die quickly and painlessly.

Legolas shoots the cave troll in the shoulder; the beast growls and claps a hand to the wound. I notice Sam being cornered and behead the orc. "Up Sam, we cannot give up hope" I tell him. He nods his head taking out a fry pan. He starts hitting orcs with it as I watch his back.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this" he tells me and I chuckle. He turns and hits another. I notice the troll raise his mace and brings it down at the other three Hobbits. Causing them to jump aside separating Frodo from Merry and Pippin.

"Frodo!" Aragorn shouts distracting Sam.

"Concentrate Sam, Aragorn has Frodo" I tell him as I block an orc trying to kill him. We hear Frodo yell and turn to see the troll hold him. "Damn!" I say and take flight landing on the trolls head.  Aragorn grabs a spear from the floor and stabs the troll with it.

It does not penetrate its flesh, but holds the beast at bay. Making it back pedal and I drop my sword to try keep my footing. As the troll let go of Frodo. Pippin and Merry throw stones at the troll's head. The troll swings his arm down and hits Aragorn, sending him flying across the room. He collapses onto the floor. Frodo races after him and tries to rouse him.

"Frodo, watch out!" I shout grabbing a dagger from my boot and stab the troll in the eye. It throws me into a wall. I'm winded and blink away black spots dotting my vision. The troll takes aim and stabs Frodo in the chest with the spear.

Merry and Pippin glance at each other and their faces appear resolved. They leap onto the beast, stabbing him mercilessly. "Frodo!" Sam shouts running to him. Broken from their shocked trance, Aragorn, Boromir, and Gandalf fight madly to reach Frodo also.

Meanwhile the troll flails at its head, trying to get rid of Merry and Pippin. Gandalf and Gimli take turns stabbing at the troll and dodging out of range. Legolas takes aim. With the two hobbits stabbing it in the head, the troll opens its mouth. Legolas shooting his arrow up into the brain through the mouth of the troll.

With a long, pained moan, the troll collapses to the ground, dead. Merry and Pippin is thrown against the floor. There is a moment of silence. All enemies are dead or have fled. I stand slowly checking my wings and attempt to flap them. But groan in pain, both are sprained. Diffidently won't be flying for the next few days.

Turns out Frodo with wearing a Mithril shirt. We run out of the room and hear a roar. "What is this new devilry?" Boromir asks. Gandalf does not respond for a moment. He closes his eyes, concentrating. The rumble is heard again.

"A Balrog — a demon of the ancient world" Gandalf says opening his eyes

"The red bull, but my people buried it long ago" I state. The thing growls, still hidden around a corner of the vast hall, throwing fiery light on the pillars.

"This foe is beyond any of you... Run" Gandalf tells us. We all run for it. We enter a passageway and goes down a flight of steps. The flight ends in a missing segment, and Boromir nearly falls but Legolas pulls him back. Boromir's torch whirls away into the vast underworld beneath.

Legolas leaps and lands on the other side. I jump and land beside him. "Gandalf!" we call and he jumps over. Us studying him.  Arrows whistle into the air from a far ledge, striking the stone steps. Legolas shoots back.

Boromir picks up Merry and Pippin, before jumping over. "Sam" Aragorn says picking him up and tosses him. Sam is caught by Boromir as I keep the other two near me. Aragorn reaches to pick up Gimli.

"Nobody tosses a dwarf" Gimli says stopping him. He leaps forward but nearly falls back into the chasm. Legolas grabs his beard and pulls him up. "Not the beard!" he shouts. Legolas pulls him to safety.

Some of the stone steps crumble and fall. Aragorn pushes Frodo to safety. They climb to their feet and look at the now widened gap that separates us. "Aragorn hold Frodo and jump when I say" I tell him. "La magie des fées ne les laisse pas tomber dans leur destin et les guider vers la vérité" I say in my natural tongue. (Translation: Fairy magic don't let them fall to their doom and guide them true). "Now!" I shout, they leap across to safety.

We run down the stairs as the stone structures collapse behind us. A wall of flame whirls behind us. "Over the bridge! Fly!" Gandalf shouts and we run over it. As he stops midway to face the Barlog. "You shall not pass!" he yells at the beast. Gandalf drives his staff into the bridge, causing a bright flash of blue light to appear. Flaring its nostrils, the Balrog steps forward onto the stone bridge.

It breaks beneath him and he falls into the casum below. Gandalf turns to look us. The Barlog's whip grabs his ankle draggingnhim back. He clings to the edge.

"Gandalf!" Frodo shouts as Boromir restrains him. Gandalf looks at us.

"Fly you fools" he tells us before letting go. We run out of the mine into the day light. I immediately feel my magic returning as the sun shines on me.


Picture above of Balin's tomb and on the external link of Barlog.

Rhiannon Sunburst: LOTR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now