"Come over."he hung up

"I have to go." He stood up and walked away on getting to his car he remembered he didn't know the girls name he went back to ask but didn't see her again.

Dejected he got into his car and drove to Williams restaurant.

In his car driving he saw a figure he has seen twice, he immediately stopped by her side. He allowed the person she was communicating with to leave before he got down and walked towards her.

"Hey elevator boy." She said

"Its Travis by name."

She giggled "I'm Amalie." They shook hands.

"we meet again." He said awkwardly

She nodded."Came out to see a friend you?"

"Heading to a place but it can wait."

"Oh come on don't let me stop you."

"No no you not." He smirked "Want to take a stroll."

"Yes why not its a cool day."

Travis smiled and led the way back to the park. They had a chit chat about Miami and LA their opposites and similarities.

"I'm sure you get to see many of this celebrities."

Amalie smiled "At times. Met with Beyonce, Cardi b and Nicki. Mostly during a photoshoot for a product or something. Its not fancy anymore"

"Well you can say that."

"I'm just a fan of all this fame and the stuff. I just stay low key at rimes I wish I lived in a serene environment somewhere like here. No red carpet trouble or movie show or something."

Travis didn't say anything he didn't know what to say because his life was the exact same. He was quite popular here in Miami cause of his parents and his job at Peterad. There was always a ball party or a get together or a disco ball something of the sort.

He at times wished he could run away from all of this.

He just listened to what Amalie had to say. They moved to a not fun topic.

"I liked this." She said "feeling free and talking."

"Maybe we can do it again."

"That's if you want to take me out."


"I ask you to try harder?"

He smiled "I think I will when I get your digit."

She blushed and gave him her digit. They waved good bye and she was gone.

He checked his phone and saw a hundred missed calls from his best friend.

"Oh no."

Amalie had fun earlier. It was all becoming too fast. First she was complaining to her friends about not getting a guy cause of her daughter but now a guy deeply wants to meet her daughter cause of stories she tells.

She didn't think it was right but she feels she's falling in love. She's scared. She knows not everyone is Kenth but thing feel right and didn't.

As she laid down thinking her phone beeped. She picked it and immediately stood when she saw the text.

It was elevator guy Travis.

I want to try harder. I want a date with you

She smiled.

Let's see how hard.

She texted back.

Then her phone rang.

"Is that a yes?"

"If you read it as that."

"Is tomorrow good for you?"

"Yes everyday actually is."

"I'd come pick you up by seven."

"See you."

She blushed.

"What am I doing?" She said to herself

By 5pm the next day Amalie had been so happy when Tyrone had asked for Petra to sleep over at Skye's and immediately she agreed. 

When they left she made a quick video call with Cara. Cara didn't pick the first time or the second time when she was about to give up on the third Cara picked.

"Wassup girl?, how's Miami?"

"Cara I need your help."

"What help?" Cara laughed

"Don't laugh at me...I have a date by 7 and I don't know what to say."

"Ohh a date. With who?"

"That's for another day Cara I need your help now."

"Okay fine fine."

By 7pm She was ready a red dress on make up on and shoes she even styled her hair herself. Cara had actually taken part of it.

By 7;15 Travis texted he was downstairs at the lobby waiting.

Travis couldn't wait, he was anxious, this time afraid and anxious he didn't know how to act around her sometimes. She made him think. He stood at the lobby waiting, he checked his watch and looked up towards the stairs.

As if the world had paused, nothing moved just the woman he had asked on a date was starring at him smiling walking towards me in a beautiful and elegant manner.

He felt like the happiest man in the world.

When she got closer the world played back now it wasn't only her.

"You look stunning." He said "mind blowing."

She just blushed. He walked them out of the hotel, they got into his car and he drove to the restaurant he had reserved for their date.

....                                                            ....

"Its a life journey." Amalie said

"A good one at that." They smiled.

They had finished with their meal and waited for dessert as they waited they had a good laugh and chat about weird stuffs around them.

When their dessert of Chocolate mousse with a berry on top

"This is delicious." Amalie said smiling

"You like it?"

Amalie nodded "I love it."

The next day same time but a different setting. Travis took her out on another date to rock climbing

"This is dangerous but I'm liking it." Amalie said When they went out for smoothie. "I had fun...so what's on your next list Mr Travis?"


She laughed "where are we going to next?"

"The park to sit and talk." He said awkwardly

"Hmmn I can do that."

He smirked . "How old is your daughter again?"

"Nine..I had her on my birthday." Amalie smiled to that

"Thats nice. Want to talk about your old marriage?"

"I think so. I just want to lift it off my chest."

Amalie told him everything from the first day she and Kenth met till the day he died. Travis just listened and made a move to hug her when she needed it but she declined most of the time.

Its over guys I'm tired of typing already...I know I'm very lazy when it comes to typing. Sorry guys.

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