XI.The Deal

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I woke up, finding myself shivering in cold sweat. Frowning, I finally decided to get myself checked, all this sweating, dizziness and sudden durations of pain were getting out of hand and needed to be treated, I couldn't go long like this.

I bathed and wore my black yoga pants with matching one shoulder tee. Today was defence class. I couldn't control my excitement on the thought of meeting Master again. Besides being our Master and Stark's father, he was also the commander of the three Legends.

Getting down the stairs, I met the guys, along with a pleasant surprise.

" Sky! " I happily gathered the beaming brunette in my arms standing right next to a scowling Stark.

" Ari! How are you? " she asked, grinning up at me.

" I am fairing good. Glad you finally joined us. " I matched her grin.

Stark grunted and started walking towards the door, bumping his shoulder with mine. My grin widened, " Aw, my poor Star, as if it wasn't bad enough that your daddy was taking our class today, your little sister showed up as well! "

While Skylar batted her lashes at him not-so-innocently, others let out a bark of laughter.

" Morons ", he muttered as he opened the doors of the East Wing.

We had to report at the castle courtyard which was big enough to serve as the training ground. A crowd had started forming in the middle. Liam was already standing on our opposite side. Nodding at each other, we shifted our attention to a tall figure standing in front of us.

When Master's eyes fell on us we bowed respectfully at him. A moment later, the crew of the West Wing joined us.

" Welcome class! " Master boomed, " We are here to push our physical limits and learn to harvest our most important power, physical strength free from interference from any other type of power. But let's keep one thing clear, shall we? Physical strength is not mindless brute power, it requires smart and logical decisions to win a fight even by this method. Because you would rarely have a fair fight. "

Walking around, he sized us and continued," You would do as told, no excuses and cross questions. I don't care who you are, here you are warriors who take commands. Discipline is the key and remember, if you cannot be a good warrior, you can never be a good ruler. Any nuisance and you shall be blacklisted for the up-coming tournament. " He completed the last statement looking at his son, aware of his mischievous nature. Stark gulped and inched closer to me ever so slightly making his father's eyes brighten with amusement, as if I could save him from his father's wrath. But he had to draw some comfort from his best friend's presence.

" Stand in a line everyone, you all shall be matched with your opponent simultaneously and will start sparring. "

We did as told, one by one everyone was matched. Luke was matched with Drake, Kiara with Dominick, Veronica with Nate, William with Valium, the twins with each other, Oliver with Raghav, Zachary with Krish, Stark with Zeneri, me and Damien, while Skylar assisted her father.

We were asked to take 5 rounds around the palace as warm-up. Somewhere down the line, the boys had taken their shirts off. When we finally made it to the training ground drenched in the sweat, the sun was high up in the sky and a welcomed change in the cold.

Spotting Damien, I went to him. He was standing with his back to me. Unlike my small lily birthmark, he had tattoo all over his back and torso. His black swirls were truly beautiful, starting from his left wrist wrapping around his arm whispering an ancient oath up to his shoulder blade, snaking between his broad shoulders, down his muscled back, portraying various creatures of night and vanishing under his high waisted joggers. He looked like a beautiful piece of art but somehow he appeared incomplete. Suddenly he faced me, his eyes gleaming,

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