XXVII.The Fire of Fate

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Twisting mid-air, I shot an arrow attached with the rope, embedding it into the cliff. Swinging by the rope, I started lowering myself, reaching a ledge. Landing on it, I tied the other end of the rope to my dagger and pushed it with all might, making the rope swing a 270', hence, notifying others of what I found.

Examining around, I realised that it gave way to a cave, I was about to step towards the mouth of the cave,

" Princess? " Stark called out.

Turning in a flash I leaned against the edge, peering towards him as he hung using the rope to the left of the ledge. I called him over and guided him to the opening of the ledge. With the support of the rope, he jumped towards me landing softly and swiftly pushing the rope back. Within seconds, every one was on the ledge; Drake being the last one, barely beating the avalanche. The next few minutes were filled with darkness and a deafening roar of the snow, falling off the cliff, and splashes of water as it crashed into the lake. A shiver ran down my spine giving me an odd sensation.

" Well, that went well. " I turned towards the cave, surprise filling me.

" Blair! "

" Hello, your Excellency. " She did a shy bow, her cheeks turning pink.

" How long have you been here? " I asked, smiling at her.

" I-uh- not...not long, your Excellency. " She stuttered when she saw that I wasn't alone. " Your Highness. Your Majesty. " She hurriedly bowed towards Liam and Ian, earning a nod from the former and a blank stare from the latter.

" Where's your team? " I asked, stepping towards her.

" Inside the cave, your Excellency. " She said, sneaking a glance at Ian.

By now, the avalanche had ended. And Zeni went to check the situation accompanied by Nate. Blair's team members started coming at the mouth of the cave to see the commotion and swiftly bowed when they spotted us, making her shift awkwardly and give another clumsy bow and an embarrassed smile.

" This is Dan, my cousin. " She said, gesturing to the familiar blond making him stiffen slightly as he stared at the Torch of Light around Liam's neck.

Nodding at her, I turned as Zeni and Nate came back,

" Clear to go. " Nate stated.

" Here for the Fire of Fate? " Blair smiled at me. " I shouldn't be saying this, but I know that you will find it. " Her words surprised me, but I smiled nonetheless.

Moving near the edge herself, she peered around to see the damage. Suddenly, there was another set of tremors but this time, there was no avalanche, instead a landslide. Specifically the edge of the ledge we were standing on, slid off. Zeni, Nate, Kia and Blair were the ones standing in the red zone. All of them leapt towards safety; Zeni and Nate landing in easily while Kia lost one footing almost slipping back and Blair was hanging onto the ledge. Zach and Dan reacted reflexively, going for Kia, Zach grabbed her hand and pulled her back. Landing with a thud, she blew a long breath and hugged me as I kneeled next to her, heaving against my shoulder.

" Thanks, Zach. " Squeezing me gently, she went to her brother who examined her from head-to-toe for any injury and adjusted her hair. I found it quite endearing, but my attention shifted to where Dan was crouching, trying to help his cousin when I heard Blair scream.

" No! " Dan yelled, turning around desperately he said," She can't swim! "

Taking in a deep breath, I ran forward and jumped after her, my friends shouting my name the last thing I heard before the loud splash. The water was cold but not chilling, solidifying my belief of the Fire being nearby. Emerging out of the water, I looked around frantically but no sign of Blair. By now Dan, Zach and some of her teammates had also plunged into the water, searching for her.

" Blair! " Shouting her name in vain, I submerged myself once again and started looking underwater.

But all that my eyes could see was an endless green world, tinting with darkness. I was getting more and more worried as I swam deeper into the water. Swimming in this gear, with all my weapons, without using my powers was a bit challenging but nonetheless, I kept going. I realised something as the water temperature changed drastically with depth. But before I could think further, a small air bubble drew my attention.

Suddenly, I saw something floating on my right. Reaching near it, I sped up once I realized that it was none other than the frame of an unconscious Blair. With her hair floating around; if I didn't know any better, I would have thought she looked serene and at peace and was, a siren. Wrapping my arms around her chest, I swam upwards quickly.

" Dan! " Gasping as I broke through the water surface I shouted his name, making him turn towards me, relief flashing in his eyes when he spotted Bair in my arms.

Taking her from me, he swam to the shore where all his teammates gathered, trying to wake her up. I realised that Luke, Nate and Krish had jumped into the lake too, joining the search, as I saw them swimming towards me.

" Wait! " I yelled, making them stop in their tracks.

Pointing downwards, I mouthed Fire at them, making their eyes go wide. Nodding at me, they submerged looking for it. Looking up I signalled for the others to come down. They started jumping one by one, portraying amazing diving skills. I motioned Zach to look underwater as he resurfaced from his search for Blair. The sound of a gasp drew my attention to the shore. Blair sat surrounded by her team, coughing out water. Looking in my direction, she gave a teary nod.

Before I could retaliate, I was pulled underwater. Thinking it to be one of my friends, I tried to free myself with a gentle wiggle but their hold was surprisingly strong and forceful. Pushing their weight on me, they took me deeper into the water; into the darkness. Only this time, it wasn't the same darkness of the deep waters; it was something different, something much more darker.

Fighting back, I tired to get a hold of them, but my hands kept slipping. With a chill, I realized that it wasn't a prank; it was an attack. Feeling them right behind me, I bashed my head against their face making their hold loosen. Slipping out my knife, I stabbed that person. But before I could turn, their hold was back; tighter, and more painfully annoying. I kept thrashing and before I realised we had reached the bed of the lake, which was hot. Searing hot; almost as hot as the beach sand in the afternoon on a sunny day.

I was pushed on my all fours; an elbow came in contact with my back, making air bubbles escape from my mouth as it opened in a silent cry from the impact. Whoever it was, was really strong. Wincing, I dug my fingers deeper into the scorching water bed. I tried rising but was pushed down again. I was sure the person was cheating, using their powers. With another blow on my back, which I was sure had fractured my spine, they started choking me from behind. I didn't get what was it that they wanted; choking or drowning won't kill me, all it did was slow down my healing.

What are they trying to accomplish? Is this some kind of torture?

My hands started moving around in the bed, desperately in search of something to hold on and hit them with. Suddenly, my right hand came in contact with something warm and comforting. My body relaxed instantly as I realised what it was when my spine snapped back in its normal state. Pulling my hand out, I saw a shiny silver crescent knife with gold handle. When I clenched it, its blade turned red hot. Smirking, I used my left hand to hold their right one that they had wrapped around my throat, twisting it badly. Getting up, I swiftly turned around so see a shadowed figure. I kicked him in the chest making him float backwards. Clenching my right hand around the crescent knife tightly, I raised it to strike but before I could, the blade grew red hot again and then white; heating up so much that the water around me started sizzling. Finally, it caught fire, generating a large amount of energy that exploded, going in all directions.

When the energy wave hit the dark figure, the darkness subsided, allowing me to see them. But the figure was cloaked; black hood covering the face. I stood there at the bottom, frowning at what I saw. I couldn't bring myself to move, the figure had already disappeared in darkness but not before I got a glimpse of the pale skin of his jaw and saw something reflecting the light on his cloak.

Something like a brooch.


Fated-The Cristalline Chronicles Book IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora