VIII. Hunter

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" You have to stop the rabbits from stealing the carrots. " Master instructed my ten year old self who was kneeling in front of him.

He spread them throughout the pasture and left after counting them. As the day went on, bunnies started emerging from the bushes. Initially, they came alone but when they realized that they won't be taking any carrots with them, they came in stubborn groups. And they kept returning and increasing, there came a point when despite my speed and powers, I got overpowered by their masses and they managed to sneak off the carrots while I was occupied with chasing away their kin on the opposite side.

In the evening, when Master had returned, I had been sitting on the ground, afraid. Ready for the punishment but Master had simply given me a satisfied smile, he knew that those rabbits would succeed.

" A ruler is nothing without his subjects, a general, without is soldiers. You are far more powerful than those rabbits but they still managed to sneak those carrots under your nose, didn't they? "

I nodded staring at the grass.

" Words Arianna! " He commanded.

" Yes Master! " I said straightening my spine.

" That is the magic of teamwork, if you are strong alone, you will be untouchable with your team. Remember, stay loyal and have each other's backs. Always. " His blues peered into mine to deliver the message home.

" I will Master. " I bowed my head obediently.

The dinner was filled with the talks of Ethereal tournament and the end conclusion was that we all would sign up as one team. But that was not all, the tournament was divided into two parts and one part, we had to work in teams and in the other part, the teams further broke into pairs, for the final challenge. Now all that was left was making pairs. But we didn't want to be hasty in doing that, deciding that we had ample time for it, we let it slide. What filled us with excitement was the part where we were going to compete with each other, a healthy competition.

As far as I knew, I would most probably pair up with Stark because of years of training and experience. We were well versed with each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Another thing that made this tournament special to me was my birthday which was lying in the tentative dates of the tournament. I was looking forward to it, because it would be different this time, new.

After dinner I decided to take a walk with Leon and Glaëder. Walking into the forest, I felt them before I heard them. Their presence spread warmth through me, as if I was basking in the sunlight and instantly made me feel at ease, bringing a smile on my face. 

I heard rustling of bushes and fast wind blowing around me, followed by a growl that shook the earth. My smile widened.

Is the forest to your liking?

A pair of silver eyes illuminated through the bushes, the moonlight making them eerily alluring. Leon made its way to me and I couldn't control the pride that bloomed inside me on seeing him. He nuzzled my stomach, licking my arm affectionately.

I like it here, the cold is surprisingly pleasant and winter gives this forest a beauty one can't find back at home.

I most certainly disagree to it!

A whirwind of ice and leaves made its way to us, and perched on Leon's shoulder. Glaëder shook his feathers to get rid of any icicles hidden in them. Then jumping off, he perched delicately on my extended arm rubbing himself to me lovingly. I had a tiny suspicion that he was also trying to take my warmth along with greeting me.

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