XXII.Stand Guard

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Ian seemed to be unware aware of the whole fiasco so I quickly plastered the smile back and excused myself; telling him that I wanted to go and see how the girls were doing. Once inside, I spotted them right away. Not once, could I shake off the feeling of being watched constantly.

" How's the first ball experience so far? " Sky grinned at Zen.

" Not my cup of tea. I'd rather be on guarding duty than walk around in fear of either breaking my heel followed by my teeth or, tripping over this cumbersome dress and breaking my jaw. " She rolled her eyes though she had a small grin while telling me all this.

" It's alright. " Kia waved her hand dismissively. " It will get better with practice. "

"Yes, and considering how many more balls there will be held in future? You, my dear, will have ample time perfecting yourself. " Sky teasingly bumped her shoulder with Zen.

Narrowing her eyes, Zen said," I would most likely pass the opportunity of such elegant torture in future. "

" Oh no, no, Zeni. You don't have to worry. We will make sure you get better at it. We will support you in every upcoming ball. Promise. " Vera put on a mock innocent look and we all gave our affirmatives playing along with her.

" Gee thanks. How will I ever repay you? " Zen rolled her eyes and her words were dripping with sarcasm.

" It's okay, we will let you know when the opportunity for you to repay us comes. " Kia winked at her with a shameless smile.

" Ladies, kindly stop harassing my commander. " A rich voice broke in and soon enough Liam was standing next to with a teasing smile of his own.

" That's the thing, your Highness, unlike you, we are not kind at all. " Sky replied to him with a playful smile making his smile widen further.

" There so much a man can only hope for. " Nodding at her, he turned his attention to me.

" I am done for the night and was planning on going back so, dropped by to ask you if you wanted to go back as well. I could walk you to your Wing. "

Feeling like a deer being watched, I couldn't grasped the opportunity to get out of here more quickly.

I smiled at him." Yeah. I would love to be fully rested for what is to come. " Only I wasn't sure if it meant the tournament or something else, something more.

Once we stepped in the hallway, the creepy feeling intensified and I realised that Liam too appeared to be on alert. Sensing that Liam felt it too, I decided to talk to him about it.

When we reached my room, I tried to think of an excuse to invite him in without making it seem suspicious to whomever watching us.

" Oh and Liam come and take the book you were telling me about the other day; I finally found it in my bundle. "

He picked the hint and nodded, following me into the wing. His shoulders relaxed almost immediately as the door closed. The feeling of being watched was no more. We stared at each other for a moment with realisation and understanding along with a bit of wariness.

I decided to break the silence by stating," Looks like we are being-"

" Watched " He completed.

" Good thing our Wings are enchanted and no one can enter without our permission. " His eyes flickered to the door we came through before settling over me.

Gesturing him to sit on the couch opposite mine,

" What I don't get is why anyone else not able to feel it? Why are we the only ones who are aware of the watching eyes? " My eyes fixed on the blazing fireplace as a worried frown settled on my lips.

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