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I slowly woke up shielding my eyes. Lying in the silky sheets, I took in my room as I was too occupied to do it yesterday. The room had a gigantic four-poster bed against a beautiful wall with gold and silver works symbolic to my heritage. To its left, the glass window covered the entire wall and gave way to a royal balcony, going there, I took in the view. The east wing looked over the waterfall which was in its semi-frozen state. The outer surface of the waterfall was frozen while I could still see water flowing underneath it.

Chilly breeze blew my black hair almost caressing it and making it shimmer golden-silver. I smiled and made my way inside. The opposite wall had intricate wooden work on it with article bookshelf and a full-length mirror. My room had an arched entrance. Walking out of the archway I came across the fireplace which had a very cozy air to it but what stole my heart was the bathroom, the tub was a natural hot water spring while instead of shower, there was a small waterfall in the other corner. The cabinet consisted of all sorts of elixirs, shampoos, moisturizers, body wash etc. It had a side door that opened into the walk-in closet which was already stocked. The other door opened to my bedroom.

After bathing and changing into a scarlet woolen dress with warm black stockings, I climbed down the stairs and took in my living room, now that it wasn't covered in darkness. It had chocolate brown leather couches and a glass table in the middle.

The living room had two walls of wood carvings while the third wall consisted of a magical portray of Cristalline which kept on changing. It had an other door which was smartly concealed from wandering eyes and opened to an equipped personal training room.

I met Luke by the spiral staircase, together we walked down and chatted, waiting for the rest of our group. Soon when they had joined us, we made our way outside my wing to the hall for breakfast. I couldn't see the other two Creations, so we had our meal chattering about the first day and then random things, following which we went to the reception to collect our schedules.

Cristalline was buzzing with excitement for the preparations of the tournament. Merchants from every realm were bustling around, ordering their workers and organizing. Moving down the hallway towards my first class we met Valium and Damien. Valium was wearing his signature white while Damien was in a violet sweater. Reaching our class, we sat in our benches and waited for the teacher to turn up.

Suddenly, we noticed that the exterior of our desks started changing, every desk, now, had a unique color. Valium's desk was white with violet swirls, Damien had a jet black desk with red swirls, mine was golden with silver swirls. Stark poked me, making me turn, he had plane red polished desk while Krish, who was joining our class, had a turquoise desk. Guess everyone got their colours.

A teacher who appeared to be in late 30s enter the class room, though her eyes told us that she was definitely older.

" Alright class, welcome to my first lecture, I am Professor Francesa and I will be teaching you about mystical beings. We start with the most popular one. Any guesses class? "

Hmmmm. The most popular, what do you both think ?



Both the partners of my mind chimed in my head causing a smile that I had to control otherwise I would have been in trouble.


Someone said, before I could. My eyes shifted to a tall lanky boy with red rimmed glasses, a thick leather hard cover opened on his table. Noticing my gaze, he turned to me and flushed pink when I smiled at him. Shooting me a nervous smile, he quickly trained his eyes on the book, holding it in his hands and hiding behind it.

Fated-The Cristalline Chronicles Book IWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu