Bonus chapter : The Audio File { Serena POV}

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I waited in the infamous Starbucks in Cheney, Washington. It was the only one in town. Luckily, it was full of college students studying for their midterms and ignoring me, a celebrity. That still sounded weird to say, but it was hard to forget. I could eat a hot dog in Los Angeles without it being photographed. My girlfriend, Francesca, walked in with her hair a few miles high from all the volume it carried. Frankie was practically my sister, since her parents were both my godparents. Our parents were all best friends. So naturally, even when fame and fortune hit, Frankie and I stayed closed. She understood me, honestly.

"Hey girl," she said. "Hollywood's been looking good on you."

"Hey, college looks good on you," I laughed. "Man, I missed you."

She pulled me in for a hug and sat down, smiling.

"So, like, I need all the gossip," she said. "Who re you dating? What do you know? What are you wearing to your next event, and can I keep your shoes?"

"Slow down." I said. "Tell me about Cheney, life here. I actually knew your friends, you know."

"Oh, hey, there's a frat party tonight," she said. "The old gang will be there! Jesse, Alexis, and Marisa. And of course, I'll be there."

"Are Jesse and Alexis still together," I asked.

"They broke up," Frankie said, a bit too gleefully.

"Bummer," I said. "They were goether for what, four years?"

"He cheated on her," Frankie said. "So maybe he didn't love her."

"You still have a torch for him," I asked. She shrugged.

"Speaking of torches," she said. "I hear Dave has been texting you an awful lot. I guess that means you and mr. smith aren't a thing."

"It's complicated," I sighed. "I actually wanted your advice. Brady... He told me he loved me."

"And how do you feel?" She asked, sipping a latte.

"It's complicated," I said. "You saw the Grammies, right? He still loves her, Blake. How can I compete with some blond goddess?"

"First of all, the blond goddess bowed out of the contest."

"True," I said.

"Second of all, you saw that like your not perfect. You know you have lied, this perfect body. And you're gorgeous."

"I get called Fat by bloggers all the time."

"You get called a sexy, curvaceous angel just as much."

"Whatever," I said. "I just...Dave and I have a thing. It's a mess."

"Ok, tell me about it," she asked.

I sighed, remembering Dave Davidson. He was the boy I went to prom with, the one whom I'd first kissed. David was my first everything, and we broke up shortly after I went on tour because I was traveling and he had college prep classes, we never stopped caring about each other, and to be horns, the was the sweetest guy I knew.

"A couple of months ago," I said. "We had a concert in Colorado. Dave was up there to visit his family, and he took a night off to see the show. We met up afterwards and we talked, we kissed, and then we hooked up."

"Shut the front door! What did Brady do?"

"He didn't know," I said. "Besides, it was when Brady and Blake were still together, so it didn't matter. I had a huge crush on Brady, but it was always friendship. I knew what I signed up for."

"Oh please. That man is crazy about you. When he says your name, his eyes dance."

"How would you know," I laughed. "You've never met Brady."

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