Chapter 35: The Boyfriend Question

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(((( So I hate doing up front auther notes but this is important:

IF YOU ALSO READING THE LACY CALVIN BOOKS (Going North or Going East) : there are some major spoilers for that series in this series. So if you read this, know there are *MAJOR* lacy calvin spoilers ahead. You'll see what I mean. However, if you don't read that series, you're good and read on. 

I decided to update everytime I write a new chapter. It's almost doen being written ,and now I just to let my updates catch up. Enjoy!)))

"So, when is that baby coming," I asked. "I'm hoping this weekend when I fly into LA. I am so excited for my vacation."

"Well, sorry, but this child is already a week overdue," Emali said. "My boobs look like watermelons. I pee every five minutes, and I just want to meet my son."

"I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt! There will be little feet and hands. Oh my gosh, he's going to smell like a baby."

"Yeah, they do smell great," Emali sighed. "I never thought I'd be here. I'm with Bryan...we are having a baby."

"Are you ever going to marry him," I said. "Bryan has proposed six times. He loves you."

"Well, I know," Emali said. "I just, this is so stupid. You're going to laugh."

"Go for it," I said.

"I'm just so big right now," Emali sighed. "Everything is swollen. My feet, my arms, my hands. At first, I was turning Bryan down because I was freaked out. But now, I have a different fear."

"Emali, I love you but I'm so confused."

"I had this nightmare that Bryan proposed and he couldn't get the ring over my fat finger."

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed.

"No, it's a legitimate fear!" Emali said. "I've seen that ring, it's a skinny person ring!"

"Emali, I think you're just overwhelmed. Just tell Bryan to propose once the baby is born."

"Baby...I'm going to be a mother."

I almost commented, but there was a knock at my door.

"Emali, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok," she replied. "But just know we can't avoid the topic forever."

"What topic?"

"Brady," Emali said. "I keep asking what your deal with him is, and then you change the subject to the baby."

"There's not much to say," I said. "He visited me in New York. We kissed before his show. He came over for breakfast, and then we kissed some more. I went with him to the airport, and we kissed again. I have no idea what that means."

"So you didn't have the talk," Emali said.

"What talk?" I asked.

"The talk about the status of your relationship."

"We live crazy lives. I won't be in the same city as him for two months."

"And he agreed to be exclusive during that time."

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