Chapter 17: The Meddling Mother

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Jo practically pulled me into her cabin by the neck of my shirt, and I was mostly cooperative. Chase was waiting in there, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush.

"I came back because some magazine was claiming that you've been impregnated by two of my counselors. I wanted to make sure you were alright, and make sure I was right in assuming the article was nothing but filthy lies."

"It is," I said. "One of my friends sent those pictures to get back at me."

"I understand," Jo said. "But then I return to find out that you and Mr. Macdonald been drinking underage and having sexual relations. The cherry on top of that revelation is you were about to do it in my bedroom, and you drank my alcohol. Damn it, Mcnarie, you drank the good rum and mixed it with soda like a hillbilly!"

"Can I just say," Chase added. "I have newfound respect for you Jo. Out of all those things to be mad at, you're most upset that we're not good at drinking."

"You, keep scrubbing," Jo replied. "I am immune to your charms."

"Jo, I am sorry," I said. "I made a mistake, a big one. But I can guarantee I would never do it again."

"Really," Jo said. "So why the hell were you wandering around the woods with Brady Smith?"

"It's a long story," I said. "I was upset, and I got lost. Brady came find me, and nothing scandalous happened."

"Then why are there leaves in your hair and why was there that stupid smile on his face? Believe or not, but this isn't my first rodeo."

"We just kissed," I said. "I swear, I will follow the rules. And it's not Brady's fault, any of this. Chase on the other hand, it's pretty much completely his fault."

"I heard the tape," Jo said. "Still, I am upset with you. You can't throw your panties at every man with a nice smile and a little bit of charm up his sleeve."

"I understand," I said. "And that is actually very good advice."

"Well, I hate to do it, because you're both great with the kids. But this camp runs on donations, and with the exemption of Blake's parents, our biggest donors are religious groups. I can't have teenagers getting drunk and sleeping together when they are supposed to be here to work. It's a liability. You're both going to be let go, and that Brady Smith is going to be under close scrutiny."

"I understand," I said sullenly. "For what it was worth, I really enjoyed being here. I think what this camp does is amazing, and you are too."

"Well, I appreciate the work you did do," Jo said. "I am sorry to lose you, but rules are rules."

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"You will assist Mr. Macdonald in cleaning up my cabin, without even looking at each other. I will come find you when your mother arrives, and then you're her problem."

Jo nodded at me, handing me a broom before she turned to leave. I glanced back at Chase and shook my head.

"I hope you're happy with yourself," I said. "You've lost a friend and a job, all in one night."

"I think I will survive," he said flatly.

"That's it," I said. "Not even a hint of remorse for using me, misleading me, or getting me fired."

"Nope," Chase said. "Because I had fun last night, not as much as I would have if your little boy toy hadn't intervened. But I do have a souvenir; I am keeping you Bra forever, Blake."

"Fine," I said. "I don't care one wink about it. Last night is over, and it means nothing to me now."

"Sounds good," Chase said. "Just don't do anything crazy like chase me down to Alabama when you get bored with Brady again."

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