Chapter 21 : Storm Rising

Start from the beginning

After a while she walked up the winding sparkling staircase to deck 7-promenade looking over her shoulder to see if she was being followed by anyone. She walked by some cafes with people in it enjoying themselves.

So far so good she thought. But there was uncertainty and that got her thinking what to do next. She could spot any movement from up if someone else tried to come after her.

She had quickly spotted two more security officers carrying suppressed Glocks in their hands down in the Plaza probably looking for her. Which meant that they had found the dead security officer in his cabin.

She figured that the men were from Sandino family probably free-lance contractors they had on payroll forever whenever they wanted someone killed. It made her sense now to her this way it couldn't be traced to them or Victor Kenton.

There was no way that they knew who she really was unless the mole inside the CIA had found somehow way about her cover and knew that she worked for the CIA, NSA TaskForce.But how she was operative for the deep black ops program that was so secretive that only a few people knew about it.

The security officers spotted her on the Promenade deck, they quickly and quietly made their way up the winding staircase as they splinted through the crowd of people walking along not paying any attention to what was going on. Nicky withdrew her Ruger.22 gripping in her hands.

She squeezed the trigger on the suppressed Rugger and fired some rounds at the assassins coming toward her. They fired some shots back at her. People started to panicked rushing away. She slipped her Rugger back into her shoulder holster, waited for the right moment until they got close.

She delivered a Tiger claw strike to the assassin's face gouging his eyes that knocked him unconscious pivoting she pivoted as the one of the assassins came at her saying"Who the fuck sent you"

The assassin said"You'll never know"

Nicky delivered the Knife hand strike the assassin neck knocking him out cold. She was getting nowhere with these assassins. She got down on her knees and searched the assassinsPockets finding no idea on them. They definitely were security officers for sure, which meant that they were hired guns from Victor Kenton.

She strolled down the winding staircase trying to figure who mole the inside the CIA. Then she remembered Kayleigh walking into her room at the hotel after she was done talking on the phone.

Wait a minute she thought all that she was that Kayleigh was working for the Malta Security Service. And she knew who she was. But not about their black ops group. So did that mean there two moles? Shit though Nicky this was not good at all. Jennifer was her roommate in her cabin.

Whoever this Jennifer was she had a feeling that she was more than assistant cruise director.She quickly exited out of the back door of the site

She walked down into the plaza as she made through some people standing around and visiting.Then she ventured down another staircase that was only for crew members and walked down the hall to her cabin.She entered strolling over to her cabin she noticed that Jennifer was gone.

Which was good she thought .

She grabbed her laptop and opened it typing her in password. Then she scrolled up to the screen the Duchess cruise line company website and she did what she did best which was hacking. She got into through the back door that she created.Then she scrolled up to file in their system and clicked on it.


Duchess cruise line Corporation

Operational status: Enchanted Duchess

The Merchant of the Black Market, A Lex Jackson thriller: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now