.:41:. ~Angel's POV~

Start from the beginning

"Idiot." I muttered and he shrugged.

"We going yet?" I scoffed and headed towards the front door. Des was next to me and I smiled.

"I got those shoes for you just so you know." She looked down at them and smiled.

"Why thank you Miss Hell." She said officially as she threaded her arm through mine. "It is a sparkling day is it not?"

"Was after what I done." We both laughed at that as we headed for the car. I sat in the back as Des took up the front. Drew took the seat to the right of me and I leaned back in the chair.

"We done." Drew corrected me and I waved him away.

"You only done the oil not the sparkles. That was me."

"Yeah... Next time... No sparkles." He said taking another sparkle out of his hair. I laughed lightly.

"What did you three do? Have a little fight in one of your classes that involves sparkles?" Drew and I both looked at each other smiling.

"Something like that." I said before looking out the window.

"So... We still have three days with you Angel what are you three planning on doing?"

"I was wondering if Angel wanted to come to a party tonight." Drew said and I turned to him frowning. The last party I went to was bad enough.

"That would be good!" Des's mother spoke excitedly and I knew I was going to have to go but first I had to get through this stupid trial. "Now. Angel. If they say anything about your father never being abusive you can just take off your jacket or something." I sighed nodding. I had no idea why my father liked scarring my arms but he had. We stopped outside of the court and I stepped out of the car.

"I don't think I'll need to with a previous witness here." I muttered and they looked at me confused. "How do you think the principal grew to loathe my father?" Des's eyes widened and she nodded. Des had been with him and she must have forgotten he was there.

"Okay. You don't have to worry about everything-"

"I'm not."

"It will all turn out alright." Des's mother had continued on as if I hadn't said anything and I rolled my eyes.

"For a lawyer you sure do say that a lot."

"I've never sat out while someone I know was in court. I'm just a little nervous." We walked in and Des's mother pointed out where I was supposed to sit and she even followed me just to sit down next to me. "Okay. It will all be okay." I watched as my father walked in and his wife and Mary-Anne were with him. Mary-Anne glared at me which made me roll my eyes. "Angel behave." Amanda ordered forcefully and I rolled my eyes again this time just at her and she knew it as I looked away.

The main person came in and a whole discussion happened before I was called up and I had to go sit near the main person. Judge I think. I sat down and everyone was looking at me which made me squirm. What made me squirm most though was the fact that both Bret and Trent were here.

"So how long do you say you have been abused?" A lawyer asked me and I looked down at my lap before looking back up at him.

"About ten or eleven years." My voice was suddenly raspy and quiet but it rung throughout the whole room

"Can you tell us the whole story?" I nodded.

"Um. When I was little my mother left and my father blamed me for it. I was about five when it started and he would either hit me or slice my arms. To tell you the truth I wasn't the one who told him in a few weeks ago a friend of mine did. I had lived with my father's abuse for so long without running away because I had met people here..." I looked at Des and Drake who was next to her. "I never told anyone for years until a girl named Desdemona moved back and even though I couldn't remember her from when my mother was around I stood up for her even from my step-sister. I would get in trouble for that and get worse punishments but I stayed."

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