31: Just the Beginning

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Class passed by as if nothing had ever happened. Mr.Marrs was in his teacher mood and I couldn’t even think of the time I’d spent at his house. I was focusing on the lesson and taking notes as Aiden continued to flirt with girls as always. It amazed me how day after day he could manage to find new ways to make them all love him.

“So where’d you stay?” Aiden asked as the bell rang and we got to our feet.

“Oh so you’re talking to me now?” I asked sassily.

He shrugged. “May as well.”

I rolled my eyes and left the classroom oblivious to the fact that Mr.Marrs eyes were on me as I passed by. For some reason just admitting to him I knew what he was had solved everything. I didn’t have to be afraid of him. I didn’t have to worry about holding in the secret until it hurt. I could just go on with my life and act as though nothing had happened. Case closed. He’s a vampire, he knows I know, the end.


“What?” I asked as I looked back to Aiden who hadn’t yet left my side. I was surprised, usually he didn’t walk with me other than to first hour.

“Who’s place did you crash at?”

“Oh.” I muttered. I hadn’t thought of an answer before hand. My eyes scanned his face and he looked at me as though my answer were the most important thing in the world. I couldn’t very well tell the truth. Even worse would be lying and saying Castin’s house. That would just remind him of why he locked me out in the first place. “Nowhere.” I finally muttered.

“Who’s shirt is that?”

I looked down at it. I’d told Mr.Marrs that Aiden would ask about it. But no, he’d insisted I’d wear it. “I just snagged it from Goodwill.” I lied and gave Aiden a glare. “If someone hadn’t locked me out and taken all my money then I could have afforded more than the dollar bin.”

“You had it coming.” he responded with a shrug and walked off.

My eyes followed his back as he melted into the hallway. Sometimes I wondered what went on in that head of his. What was it that he was actually thinking? Aiden and I had been together for so long that we’d forgotten to even pay attention to each other any more. We were so used to just being there.

The rest of the morning passed by and it wasn’t until I walked into the gym that I remembered what day it was. Friday. All around the chatter about the homecoming dance was floating through the air. “Just great.” I mumbled as I made my way to the lunch line. Castin would leave me to fend for myself the day I actually needed him.

After loading my plate with the school color coordinated lunch I grimaced to myself and approached the counter. “That’ll be five oh four.” the woman behind the counter informed me.

I looked down at my plate. “It’s the normal lunch. It shouldn’t be that much.” I looked back into her bored eyes.

She extended a finger down towards my tray. “It’s crossed over the divider. It’s a double portion.”

“I didn’t ask for a double portion.”

“Well you got one. Five oh four.” I grumbled inwardly and set down the tray to reach into my front pocket for my money. It wasn’t there. “If you aren’t going to pay then put it back.” the lunchlady said her eyes narrowing.

Oh no. Not again. “Just a second it’s here somewhere.” I mumbled as I went through my other pockets. When I reached into my back pocket I pulled out the tips I had made and shoved in like I always did but this time they weren’t a wad of bills. They’d been organized and slipped inside a metal money clip. “Here.” I grumbled. I pushed forward a single and a five before shoving the clip back into my pocket.

She narrowed her eyes at the money. “Don’t you have a nickel?”

“You know what? Just keep the change.” I snapped tired of her daily gloominess. “Try and buy a smile with it.”

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