11: Sickness Dripped With Sarcasm

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I had absolutely no idea where I was when I awoke. The ground was dry and hard. I could feel the pebbles digging into the flesh of my thighs as I sat up and opened my eyes. Laughter flooded my ears.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Aiden choked out as he watched me get to my feet. Of course he was finding this hilarious.

The dream flashed through my mind and my hand clasped around my neck where Mr. Marrs had bitten. The skin was smooth and unscathed. “I went sleepwalking. Again.” I grumbled. Just wonderful. Not only was my mind obsessed with Mr. Marrs but it was now mixing in some Twilight shit and turning him into a vampire?!?

Aiden chuckled and ruffled my already messed up hair. I reached out and punched him quickly in the gut as I glared towards him. “At least you didn’t end up at the beach this time.” He teased.

I rolled my eyes and moved towards the house. I didn’t make it more than two steps before I felt a wave of nausea and fell limply into the grass.

“Isa?” Aiden asked softly as he rushed to my side.

I peered up into his eyes, all laughter gone. “I can’t get up.” I said after a few moments. It was true. I felt so weak I could barely shift my leg let alone get up.

“Help, I have fallen and cannot get up.” Aiden teased me quoting an old commercial we used to make fun of. His eyes scanned mine unsure whether I was just kidding and intended to pull him down when he tried to help me up.

I tried again to get up but weakness filled my bones instead. “Aiden.” I groaned and closed my eyes to fight from throwing up.

“Isa you don’t look so good.” He said softly. He didn’t hesitate to scoop me up into his arms the second he realized I was serious.

“Oh haha.” I groaned as he started to carry me inside.

“No, I mean you are all pale.” He explained as he trudged into his family’s side of the duplex. “If I hadn’t spotted you when I was leaving for school you could have been out there for hours.”

He laid me on the livingroom couch and looked down towards me. “I’m fine.” I mumbled moving to stand up. I failed and instead of moving my body only twitched.

“You’re staying home.” He instructed. I didn’t object. I laid still as he threw a blanket over me. “You need to stop wearing those things to bed.”

“I like nighties.” I responded.

He fake gagged. “It’s awkward and I don’t like them.”

“They make me feel sexy.”

Leave it to Aiden to start an immature fight. “Well feeling sexy and actually looking sexy are two different things.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “Then don’t look at me.”

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