Twenty Five

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I laughed as he carried me through the door, then he set me down inside, shutting the door but catching my waist before I could go into the master bedroom.

"Where are you going, wife?" He asked, making me smirk, then I slid my hand onto the back of his neck and lightly pulled.

"I was going to our room, husband." I whispered, smiling as his mouth opened, and he leaned down, kissing me.

"Not yet." He breathed, and I nodded, enjoying his kisses as he got my blouse open one button at a time.

Eight Years Later
I smiled as I watched Ben and Toby play Super Smash something or the other, then I looked up as the door opened.

"DADDY!" I smiled as Liliana ran to Slendy, then he kneeled, lifting his daughter who had his skin, but she had my hair and eyes.

"Sorry to have taken longer than necessary to come home."

"Not to worry, Mama Trix has been taking care of us." Jeff said, and I rolled my eyes, tossing a pillow at his head as Slendy came into the living room and laughed.

"I'm sure she has." Slendy said and leaned down, softly kissing my hair.

"Welcome home." I smiled at him, then he gave me our daughter, and she hugged me, bunching up my sweater as she laid against me.

"Ben, can I play?" Lili asked, and Ben nodded.

"Yeah, come here. I'll show you the controls." She went to him as I stood, then I grabbed Slenderman's hand, taking him to the kitchen.

"Trix, what's wrong?" He asked, but I didn't answer. Instead, I put his hands on my belly, and he was silent.

"Another?" I nodded, then he cheered, hugging me and lifting me off the ground.

"Daddy?!" Liliana called, but Slenderman set me down and went to the living room.

"Nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Just some good news from your mother." He said as he kissed her dark hair, then he stood, but Jane smirked.

"You told him?" I nodded, and everyone eyed her, but LJ shot up.

"Another baby?!" I nodded as I laughed, then everyone cheered and celebrated. As they did, I smiled as I watched them, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, not for the next century or two. I was home, right here in this house with these crazy killers. This is my true home, and I'm happy with it.

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