Twenty Three

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"RISE AND SHINE, GUYS!" Jane yelled as someone blew a loud ass whistle, and someone else beat something that sounded like a metal pot with I think a metal spoon or something. I heard Slendy growling then grabbed his arm behind me, making him stop before he killed his proxies.

"We're getting up-"

"Your wedding is in four hours, get up!" Jane yelled, and we got up, then Slendy was dragged away by his brothers and the guys as Jane and Clockwork grabbed me and dragged me into the bathroom.

"Shower, brush your teeth, brush your hair, shave everything, and come back to the room." I groaned then did as they said, taking a bit longer than was probably necessary, but I needed it with how crazy my day was about to be.

"BELLATRIX BRIGHT, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE! THAT'S LONG ENOUGH!" Clocky yelled, and I groaned, getting out of the bathroom, then they sat me down on a chair they obviously brought in from the dining room.

"First, hair." Jane grinned, then I sighed, letting her do my hair as Clocky did my eyebrows. I guess they had gotten a bit bad after a year in the psychiatric hospital, a winter in this place, and seven years with Satan.

"Ow!" I growled as Jane pulled my hair, but she didn't apologize. As they finished my hair and basic beauty, Jane moved around me. Then I groaned as she sat on my thighs, doing my makeup while Clocky painted my nails and whatnot.

"Do I need my nails-"

"YES!" They both said, so I didn't argue. Jane was maybe about halfway done when Clockwork moved to my feet, and I had to hold in my laughs. I'm ticklish on my feet, leave me be.

"When was the last time you had a pedicure?" Clockwork asked, then I sighed.


"That explains it." She said, then I relaxed as Jane finally got off me.

"Clocky, finish with that. I'm going to check on the boys and get her dress."

"In that order?"

"Yes, in that order." She promised, then left the room, leaving me with Clocky.

Slenderman's POV
I sighed as Ej added the last touches to my suit then eyed myself in the mirror Lj had in his room. Why he had a body mirror, I didn't know, and I didn't question it.

"How ya boys doing?" Jane asked as she popped her head in, then Ej groaned.

"Can you come help me? This damn button won't stay on."

"Yeah!" She cheered and came over; then I noticed she had makeup all over her arms and eyed them.

"I won't tell you, Slenderman." She said, and I was shocked she knew what I was looking at.

"You'll just have to wait until she's walking down the aisle towards you." She smirked as she glanced at me, fixing the button on my jacket, then I sighed.

"I was wondering about the makeup."

"Oh, I was doing that before I came to check on you guys. Glad I did. There we go, all fixed." She said and smoothed out my jacket.

"Alright! You boys finish up, I've got a bride to dress!" She said and winked at me, laughing as she walked out.

"I swear, she's crazier than Trix."

"I highly doubt that." I said, fixing my suit on myself as I looked in the mirror.

Trix's POV
I fixed my boobs then groaned.

"Okay, the bra needs to come off! Jane!" I said, and she unclipped my bra, then I pulled it off, fixing the girls again then smiling.

"Perfect." I said then waited as Jane buttoned the back of my dress, hooking the top together.

"Perfect fit. Sit, let's get the shoes on you." I did then Clocky shoved my dress up my legs, letting Jane put my heels on. They were both in dark gray floor-length gowns, but both of them were my maids of honor since I couldn't choose.

"And you are ready, Miss Bright." I smiled as Jane helped me stand then she went to make sure Slenderman was outside before we began walking down the stairs.

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