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I groaned as I woke up then I looked out the windows, seeing the blossoms on the trees as Spring finally came. I turned then stared as I saw Slendy still asleep and looked at the alarm clock on my night table to see it was seven in the morning, earlier than even Slendy woke up. I sighed as I knew I wouldn't be getting any more sleep then I carefully got out of bed, going to the closet to get dressed. When I was done, I brushed my teeth and my hair, then went back into the room and saw him still asleep. I left the room and carefully shut the door, turning but stopping as I saw Smile sitting there.

"Morning, Smile." I whispered as he stood, turning in a circle, then he whined.

"You gotta go out? Is Jeff still sleeping?" I peeked into Jeff's, and Ben's room then saw both boys snoring, but Ben was slumped over at his desk. I sighed and went to him, lifting him and taking him to his bed.

"Mm? Trix?" He mumbled, but I smiled and covered him.

"Shh, sleep. It's early still, just get some rest." He nodded, then I pulled his hat off and put it on the nightstand, leaving and silently shutting the door.

"Come on, Smile, let's go outside so you can get some relief." I said, and we went downstairs then I let Smile out. I left the door cracked, then went to the kitchen and started on breakfast for everyone, since I was up and it was the least I could do for everyone here.

"Bellatrix?" I turned then smiled at Slendy as he came down, Smile coming back inside.

"Morning, Slendy. I got up early, figured I could start breakfast for you." I said, and he nodded as he fixed his shirt and tie.

"Right, thank y-" He suddenly stopped, then I looked at him as I turned the stovetop off.

"Slenderman, what's wrong?" I asked as I grabbed his arm, but he shook his head.

"There's someone in the woods-"

"Finish this; I'll handle it." He looked at me, but I simply smiled and rubbed his arm.

"Jeff has been teaching me. I know how to defend myself now." I said, and he nodded.

"Come back immediately after, okay?" I nodded, then stood on my tiptoes, kissing his chin, then he blushed red as I laughed. I left the house, my dagger in hand, then went into the woods and followed the trees, just like Jeff said. It was like they led the way to the intruder. As I got closer, I jumped up into one of the trees, then the branch I was on moved, making it easier for me to get to the person without being seen. Once I saw them, I stopped and stared.

"Bob?" I whispered, staring at my adoptive father.

"BELLA?!" He yelled, looking around, but I shook my head. I climbed down then hid my dagger at the base of the tree, coming out from behind the tree and letting him see me.

"Bellatrix." He smiled and came towards me, but I stepped back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked then shook my head.


"I woke up during the winter. Sarah told me you ran off into the woods. Everyone thought you were dead, but we knew better. You used to run off into the woods all the time as a kid, and you always came back." He said, then I felt a tingle on the back of my neck and turned, trying to see if someone was behind me, but I didn't see anyone.

"Why are you here?" I asked Bob as I looked back at him then stared as he grabbed a taser gun.

"You need help, Bella." I jolted as he shot me with the electrified cords, then I hit the ground, convulsing as the electricity flowed through me and the guys in body armor surrounded me, one of them giving me a shot. These assholes!

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