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I looked up as someone came from behind a tree then saw Jeff with who I would assume is Ej, otherwise known as Eyeless Jack.

"A human girl?! Are you insane, Jeff?!" Ej growled as he saw me, then Jeff glared.

"Fix her leg, and don't tell him, please." He argued, then Ej looked at me and sighed.

"Why isn't she scared, huh?"

"I'll explain after. Just- fix her up before he gets back, please." Jeff said, and Ej nodded, coming towards me. He sat then grabbed my leg, pulling the shirt off.

"Well, the shirt definitely saved her life. She would have bled out otherwise." He said and reached into his pocket, grabbing a small box. I watched as he opened it and grabbed a needle, threading it and whatnot.

"Are-are you going to stitch it?" I breathed, and Ej nodded.

"I have to, why?"

"Needles and I don't exactly agree." I forced a smile, and then Ben grabbed my hand.

"Don't look, Trix. It'll be quick, right?" Ej eyed my leg then shrugged.

"Based on the size, plus her fear, I doubt it'll be quick. Speaking of, Jason, Lj, come hold her leg still, so she doesn't hurt herself more." He commanded, but both of them snarled.

"Why us?"

"You're stronger than any of us. Do it before he gets back, and Jeff guts us." He said, making me more curious about this 'he' they kept talking about.

"Fine." Jason the Toymaker spit and came over, kneeling next to my leg and holding my thigh to the ground.

"And try not to hurt her further." Ej said, then Lj came over, grabbing my knee and the part of my leg just above the wound.

"This will hurt, Trix." Jeff said, but I nodded and clenched my eyes shut, holding Ben's hand tightly as Ej began stitching my leg. Think of puppies, rainbows, math homework, anything but the sharp pointy thing in my leg.

"Trix?" I heard Jeff call, but I ignored him and kept my eyes shut.

"Trix, who did this?" I shook my head, not even opening my mouth, then I felt someone grab me and jolted, looking at Jeff.

"Hey, who chased you here?" He asked, but I looked at Lj as he snorted and stared at the needle.

"Oh shit." I breathed, hearing someone call me as everything went black.

Jeff's POV
I quickly grabbed her as she fainted then noticed the others all staring.

"Wow, she's got it bad." Ben said, then I glared as I held her.

"What do we do now? We can't just leave her here in the woods. One of the others might find her." Toby said, then I sighed as I brushed her dark hair off her face.

"He's not supposed to be back until tomorrow, right?" I asked, and Ben's eyes went wide.

"Jeff, don't you even think it-"

"If we brought her home like this, won't her assholes wonder how she got home without them noticing? Aren't they going to question her new leg cut or the leaves in her hair? Huh? We gotta help her for a while, just until she wakes up and can figure out a story." I said, then looked at Ej, who was in charge amongst us.

"Ej?" I questioned as he finished stitching her leg, then he sighed.

"I need to teach her how to care for her leg properly; otherwise, she'll die. We have no choice, Ben." He said, then I looked at the others.

"What Ej says goes here." Lj said, and Toby nodded.

"Jason?" I asked, but he was glaring.

"If he finds out she was in the house OR the woods, we're all dead. So she'd better be gone before then, got it?" I nodded, and Ej put his things away as I lifted Trix, who was limp and light. I didn't like it.

"Come on." Ej sighed, leading the way as if I didn't know the way home.

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