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I covered my mouth as everyone laughed, but I finally felt safe after so long of being in fear.

"Trix?" I looked at Jason, then he sighed, eyeing me.

"You're so..." He stopped, looking down, then I noticed the mood drop and understood.

"Sarah locked me away not long after I returned from here when I got cut on the leg. She put bars on my windows, locked my door, and she fed me when she felt I needed to eat, which wasn't all that often. It was just enough that I'd survive, and I learned how to live off of so little. Three years ago, Bob and she were in an accident, putting her in a wheelchair and him in the hospital in a coma. After that, she got a lot worse. She barely fed me, she hit me, wouldn't let me out of her sight, had me doing everything for her, it was hell. I guess I had enough, and I left, but I wasn't thinking, and I left in the worst clothes ever." I said, and Jeff smirked.

"You think?" I rolled my eyes then lightly bumped him.

"Well, I'm glad you left her." Slenderman said, and I nodded, eating my steak. I stopped then set my fork and knife down, clearing my throat.

"Is something wrong?" Jane asked, then I shook my head.

"No, I'm just full." I said, and she eyed my plate in confusion.

"You've barely touched your food-" She stopped as her eyes widened, then she understood.

"Well, maybe you'll be hungry later." Slendy said, and I smiled at him.

"Where will I stay? I can't continue to stay in your room while you sleep on the couch or something-"

"Just share with him then." I looked at Ben, then he shrugged.

"What? Is it weird to share?" He asked, then I looked at Slenderman, who's cheeks were lightly colored pink.

"I won't force you, Trix." He said, then I shook my head.

"I don't mind if you don't, Slendy." I said, and he nodded.

"Then it's settled." He said and stood, leaving the table. I watched him then turned to glare at Ben, who looked confused as everyone else showed their disappointment in him.

"What?" He asked, but was ignored.
I gripped the railing tightly as I walked downstairs, then I slipped, but someone caught my arm, and I looked up to see Homicidal Liu there.

"Be careful, please." He said, and I nodded, though he held my arm as we went down the steps and helped me to the dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning, Trix. Did you sleep well?" Slenderman asked as I sat, then I smiled as Liu pushed my chair in and nodded.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks." I said, and he smiled, clearing his throat.

"Today, everyone, my brothers will be coming. I want everyone to keep an eye on Bellatrix; I don't want any of my brothers to hurt her. Though only one concerns me-"

"Offender?" Jeff growled, and Slendy nodded.

"Jane, help Trix into some clean clothes. Everyone, eat your breakfast and prepare for their visit. I want Trix in a group of at least three at all times, are we clear?" Everyone nodded then, after breakfast, Jane gave me some of her old clothes to wear for the visit of the Slender Brothers, but I didn't understand why they were so bad. When I asked Jane, she just shook her head and helped me to the family room without a single word.

"Hey, why are his brothers so bad?" I asked the room, but I still didn't get an answer. Finally, Masky sighed and looked at me.

"Have you ever heard of Slenderman's kills?" I shook my head, then he nodded.

"Any time someone is killed inside the forest, it's him. He kills them then puts them in town as an example. Ringing any bells?" Suddenly, the memory of a high school kid's death came up. He had been dared to go into the woods by the majority of his graduating class and was found the next morning. He was missing an arm, half a leg, his insides were ripped out, and he had been alive during most of it I had heard.

"Yeah, I remember something." I whispered, and he nodded.

"Some of his brothers aren't bad, like Splendor and Trender, but one is."

"Offenderman is the worst of the worst Slender Brothers." Jeff said, and I eyed him.

"How so?" I breathed, then he looked at me.

"Take the big man's kills and multiply by ten, but with a woman instead. His kills are always women, no matter what." He said then I looked towards the library Slendy had turned into his office, looking at the shut doors and trying to imagine his brother's kills.

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