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Time Skip: Seven Years
Trix's Age: 19
Time Since CPs Last Saw Her: Seven Years, Two Weeks, One Day
I grabbed the big envelope then opened it, seeing it was my diploma and sighed. Right before I entered seventh grade, Sarah moved me to online and forced me to stay home. She wouldn't let me leave unless she was with me, she had me on lockdown. I haven't left the house by myself in over seven years, even if I've tried sneaking out. It was as if every time I tried, she would know and lock down the house. My window also has bars over it now, my door locks from the outside, I'm not allowed a phone or computer, just a shitty mp3 player that's older than me, and I can't watch TV unless I ask her first and she needs to approve the show or movie first.

"BELLA!" Sarah hollered then I sighed.

"Coming!" I called and walked back inside, setting the mail down. I went to the kitchen then saw her trying to reach the microwave, but I went over and helped her. Three years ago, she and Bob were in an accident, but it was bad. He's still in a coma, and she's in a wheelchair with almost no chance of standing or walking ever again.

"Thank you." She said, and I slowly nodded, making dinner for her.

"Anything good come in the mail?" She asked, but I almost didn't want to tell her about my diploma. She'd lock it away so that I couldn't get a job or enter college and leave her.

"No, nothing." I smiled, and she eyed me before nodding.

"If you say so." She said, then went to the living room, and I prayed she didn't look at the mail. I smiled as I heard the TV turn on then I jumped as the clock beeped at me, looking and watching as letters appeared instead of numbers.


I stared at the words then looked behind me to make sure Sarah didn't see, but she was still in front of the TV. I went to the clock on the stove then pressed reset, not that it worked.

"Ben, leave me alone!" I quietly hissed then glanced behind me.

"I can't, so stop asking!" I whispered then pressed reset, and it did, making me relax some.

"Bella, the TV isn't working!" I cursed and went to the living room, watching the TV as static showed.

"Why don't you go read, Sarah? I'll see if I can fix it." I said, and she nodded, going to read in her room as I kneeled in front of the TV.

"Ben, please, stop." I whispered then reached behind the TV, unplugging it, but it didn't turn off.

"Trix, why are you avoiding us?" Ben asked as his face appeared in the static, but I sighed and grabbed a blanket, covering the screen.

"I won't go away until you tell me." He said though I didn't want him to see me. I was skin and bone, my clothes didn't fit me at all, so they hung off me in odd ways, I was pale, and I'm sure I looked like a mess.

"I can't, Ben. Leave me alone, for good this time." I whispered and went upstairs, hearing the TV cut off as I did. I relaxed some then went to my room, sitting on the bed and grabbing a book to read.

"Bella, I need to go to the store!" Sarah called, then I got up, grabbed my sneakers, and went with Sarah to the garage. I helped her into the car then put her wheelchair in, though I was struggling with it.

"Hurry up!" She growled, and I nodded, getting in and driving her to the store. I wish I could just leave her and go back to the woods.

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