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"Bellatrix, you stabbed a man in the throat and killed him. How does that make you feel?" Dr. Cole asked, then I giggled.

"My brother Jeff would be proud of me." I said and hugged my knees to my chest, laughing into them.

"I believe you've had a mental breakdown from fear induced by the killers. Somehow you evaded them all winter, and during your childhood, your mind turned these monsters into your family to replace the one you lost as a foster child-"

"THEY'RE MY FAMILY! THEY'RE COMING TO SET ME FREE! I WILL LEAVE HERE AND GO HOME! MY HOME IS WITH HIM, HE IS MY HOME!" I screamed as she shot up, staring at me as I repeated myself over and over again, then the men came in, and I laughed.

"YOU ALL WILL DIE! DIE, DIE, DIE! BLOOD, GUTS, SPLATTER, SCREAMS, TEARING, FEAR! ALL OF YOU WHORES AND BITCHES WILL DIE!" I screamed as they gave me sedatives, but they barely worked as the mark warmed again.

"Why isn't she going to sleep?!"

"I don't know! That dose always knocks her out!" I grinned as I saw a taser baton, then I grabbed it, stabbing one in the throat and turning it on.

"COOK YOUR ROTTEN BRAIN, DIE AND DIE AND DIE!" I laughed then looked at the other guards.

"Go on, whores, try, and stop me!" I cackled then they came at me, but I shocked one in the testicles and kicked another in the leg. Both hit the ground, then I sat on the back of the one I electrocuted, using the baton to snap his neck. I heard an alarm then looked at the doctor to see her hand on her panic button as pure fear danced around on her face. I went to the other man and stomped on his throat, crushing it, and stalked towards the good doctor.

"You stupid, helpless bitch. My family is nothing but killers. You won't survive me." I grinned and ran at her as she screamed, shocking her with the baton. I kept it on until it died, then I grabbed her keys, using them as brass knuckles with the added advantage of unlocking doors. I searched her, then found a pocket knife and grinned, opening it.

"Jeffy would be so proud." I giggled then stood, unlocking the doors and seeing three guards waiting for me.

"Oh, are you boys waiting for me?" I laughed then gripped the keys tighter.

"Let's go." I ran at them then started to punch them, hitting all of them until they were on the ground. Once the last one was down, I began to punch his face over and over again, making blood splatter onto my face. I laughed as I reached up to feel the warm liquid, then I stood, grabbing his stun baton as well. Orderly after orderly, I killed them all and set the patients free.

"RUN AROUND, KILL, KILL, KILL! BLOOD SPLATTERS ON THE WALLS, THEY LAUGH AND SING ALONG, THE CANNIBAL FEASTS ON THEM ALL, WE BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD IN THE HALLS!" I cheered as I skipped around the halls as the alarms sounded then I handed the keys off to one of the patients, choosing the knife instead.

"ATTENTION ALL STAFF! PATIENT BELLATRIX MONROE HAS BROKEN OUT OF CONTAINMENT AND SET FREE ALL SOLITARY PATIENTS! UNKNOWN NUMBER OF DEAD STAFF, USE ALL MEASURES!" I laughed as I got to the security room then I grinned at the videos of orderlies trying to stop the patients.

"Pop goes the insane weasels." I laughed and set free all the patients, making more alarms go off.

"BEN, COME AND SET ME FREE!" I yelled as I ran down the halls, then I ripped my patient shirt off, running in my black wireless bra and stupid cotton pants. I stopped as armored orderlies stepped in front of me then giggled.

"Don't make it too easy, boys." I laughed and killed both of them too easily. I quickly took one of the riot shields, more baton batteries, and even the gun one of them had. Sadly it was a taser gun, so I just took more and more batteries until I was sure I could escape. As I killed the staff, I got covered in more and more blood, but I enjoyed it. I found the exit then shoved the doors open, letting the patients free from the building.

"RUN FREE, MY INSANE BIRDIES!" I laughed and made a beeline for the woods, finally going home.

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