01 | Colliding

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(A/N: This is the outfit you wore

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(A/N: This is the outfit you wore.)



Today the students from Southside High are starting at Riverdale High. My dad being the principal of Riverdale High is very concerned for the school and even more for me, that concern has led to a huge talk in the morning.

"So Y/n I don't want to see you hanging around those kids the-"

"They are a bunch of trouble makers dad, I know," I cut him off. "But dad seriously you don't really know them they could be actually good students?" I try to reason with him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Darling they are apart of a gang, a gang that need I remind you was associated with the murder of Jason Blossom," he stated.

"Keyword being was. Dad I love you but I make no promises of keeping away from them. I am set on making them feel welcomed at school, whi knows I might find some really cool friends," I shrugged.

"Ha, dear I love how positive you are but I just don't want you getting hurt...you're all the family I have left. And with those thugs you are more at risk of getting hurt," he sighed.

I looked at my dad and hugged him, "Don't worry, if I find anything dangerous at all about them, I'll avoid them..." I said.

After our little heart to heart we both headed to school and parted ways in the hallway, him to his office and me to my locker.

From my locker I headed over to my dad's office and sat there doing a crossword, with music blasting into my ear. After a good 20 minutes Kevin had texted me to meet up with him so I left.

I was just staring at the floor and walking to where Kevin had said to be when I bumped into a wall and dropped all my books.

"Oh shoot!" I said laughing, and looked up to see what wall I bumped to but was met with a leather jacket chest. I looked further up and saw a cute face with a snake tattoo crawling up his neck. I smiled and apologized.

"I'm sorry, wasnt looking where I was going," I said while going down to pick up my books.

"Yeah you weren't," he stated.

I looked up at him and smiled, I shook my head as I stood up thinking, of course he is trynna come on as the uncaring bad boy.

"I'm Y/n," I said, extending my hand out for him.

"Sweet Pea," he stated putting his hands in his pockets. Taking that as a sign he is not gonna shake I just nodded and walked past him. But not before turning around and saying, "Well, it was a pleasure colliding into you this morning Sweet Pea," sending him one last smile before disappearing round the corner.

Sweet Pea's POV

"She seemed...... happy," spoke up Toni.

Veronica noticed who Toni, Fangs and I were looking at and spoke up, "Oh yeah, Y/n is such a great girl. Always smiling, always friendly. But be warned I'd keep my distance from her if I were you."

"Why?" I asked, intrigued with this girl.

"She's the principals daughter," she stated.

I looked at Veronica disbelief, "No wonder she comes off as the innocent type," I said.

Howvere with a look that said otherwise Veronica chuckled, "Oh trust me she is far from innocent, she's a badass despite how she looks."

"Well, her sense of fashion says otherwise," commented Tony.

I looked back at Y/n back as she was talking with that Keller boy.

She really is trouble, I thought as I saw her laughing at something that boy said while turning to glance at me.


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