Chapter 31

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*Knock, knock, knock* 

"I head over to answer the door, I'm met by a Sombre looking Corey and a slightly bewildered Benji

"Come on" I say standing back to let them through.

"Hi" I hear Emie quietly say as I follow them back in.

"Nice to meet you properly Emie, I'm Corey in the band's manager.

"Nice to meet you to" she replies smiling shyly at him. Corey sits down in an arm chair looking pretty conflicted.

"Fuck" Corey grunts "sorry man" he says giving me an apologetic look, before turning to Emie

"I need you to tell me how old you are darling?" He's got a serious expression plastered on his face

"Fuck off Corey she's 18" I snap at him, pulling Emie closer to me.

"Cap I know that's what she said but, some things have been said and I need to know" He keeps his face passive.

"My girl wouldn't lie" I growl at him.

"Cap I'm not trying to be a dick" he tells me apologetically

"You're failing" I snap, but Em has pushed me aside and disappears to the bedroom without a word.

"Fuck is wrong with you Corey" I snarl at him. I'm just about to follow her when she reappears. She isn't looking at me she walks straight over to Corey and hands him something. "I assume a driver's license is ok, I can go ab find my passport but my birth certificate is at home" she informs him sarcastically He looks at it for a moment.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I had to ask" Corey says apologetically.

"You really think I would lie about my age and get you all in trouble?" She asks hurt is very clear in her voice.

"I hoped you wouldn't" he replies genuinely.

I push the rolling tray to her and she happily accepted the distraction.

"So now you've finished with your accusations?" I ask rudely

"I wish we were. I had to ask because there's been some stuff written about you both" he says 

"So we ignore it like we always do" I tell him

"What are they saying?" Emie asks quietly.

Corey looks up at me concerned. "You can tell me or I can Google it" she adds boldly. After a few minutes of silence she sighs as pulls out her phone.

"Lots of things but the general themes are he is using you or corrupting you, that you're underage and thus Cappie likes young girls, basically no one is saying anything good right now." He admits

"So what do you want me to do?" I ask him

"you two could cool it off for a little while, maybe she goes home for a bit we finish of the tour." Corey says 

"I can go" Em says quietly not looking up at me

"No" I tell her firmly "we haven't done anything wrong, I've got my girl I'm not losing her, she stays or I'll go" I tell them pulling Em tightly against me.

"Yeah that's what I figured, so I think it would be best to just be honest. We can confirm the relationship try and make it seem less inappropriate"

"It's not fucking inappropriate" I shout at him

"I know Cap, but we have to convince everyone else" Corey responds calmly nodding

"Fine" I snap.

Corey takes his leave after that Benji hangs on.

"What now Benji?" I ask.

"Just letting you know it's press tomorrow morning to try and fix this. The publicist wants to meet you before to go over what not to say. I'll come get you before" he says not looking at me

"What's wrong Benji" Emie asks face full of concern.

"Nothing Corey just chewed me out for helping this bastard find you. Thank God you have ID because he did not believe me." He replied

"Sorry mate" I tell him. He nods and heads for the door.

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